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Become a member

When you become a CM member, you simultaneously agree to pay the CM contribution .

All health insurance funds are legally obliged to respond to overdue payments in the same way . If you do not pay the CM contribution for 24 months despite several reminders:

  • you can no longer rely on the CM services and benefits package ;
  • your possible membership of CM insurance ends;
  • a waiting period of 24 months applies to the services and benefits if you want to re-register.
    The waiting period can be shortened if, during your waiting period or in the six months before its start, you:

    • received a month's living wage and/or OCMW support;
    • received one month Income Guarantee for the elderly or guaranteed income for the elderly;
    • received one month of income replacement allowance;
    • received one month of budget guidance or budget management through OCMW;
    • received one month's sickness or unemployment benefit, the amount of which is lower than the amount that a single person with an Income Guarantee for the elderly receives;
    • you are in a collective debt settlement;
    • you are in bankruptcy.

    Contact CM if you think you qualify for a reduced waiting time.

The overdue contributions are considered across the health insurance funds . So if you were affiliated with two health insurance funds in a period of 24 months, you must pay the arrears with both health insurance funds before you can be entitled to reimbursement again.

The package of services and benefits is based on solidarity. This means it is not possible to only pay for the services that concern you. Only through this principle of solidarity is it possible to offer an extensive package of services and benefits that suits everyone: sick and healthy, young and old, active and non-active, etc.

Because everyone contributes to the entire package, the contribution can be kept as low as possible.

If you pay the contribution via direct debit, the payment will be arranged automatically. This way you always stay in order. In addition, you can choose to have the payment made once a year (in January) or spread out quarterly (in January, April, July and October). You will receive a direct debit application form upon simple request. Return the completed form via a CM mailbox or the CM office.

Do you not have a direct debit order? Then payment per quarter is not possible. In that case, a transfer form will be sent to you once a year to pay the CM contribution in one go.

Thanks to the CM contribution, we can offer you numerous benefits as a CM member. There are allowances for eye care, psychological care, speech therapy, etc. These benefits make a difference for many people.

In patient transport, for example, we still offer affordable transport, despite high fuel prices. Or you can count on the CM dental benefit with a compensation of up to 1,050 euros: good cost coverage for orthodontics and dental prostheses without additional dental insurance. It is simply included in the basic package of services and benefits.

If we want to guarantee this service, it is necessary that the CM contribution reflects real prices. If these increase due to inflation, then the CM contribution must also increase.

Every year we evaluate and renew our services and benefits.

For example, in 2023 you will enjoy these new benefits:

In addition, you can also continue to count on many other benefits this year: