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Custom made earplugs

From 2025, CM will reimburse 30 euros annually for custom-made earplugs.*

You deliver the invoice to CM

Provide the invoice of your purchase via the My CM app or CM mailbox . This proof contains:

  • CM member details
  • audiologist or hearing center information
  • type of earplugs
  • purchase date
  • amount paid

You will receive your refund

The refund will be transferred to your account.

* Subject to approval by the Health Insurance Fund Control Service.

CM at the festivals

At many music events and festivals, mobile CM teams walk around, giving away free earplugs .

Extra benefit at Audika

Koop je je oordoppen op maat bij Audika? Dan krijg je als CM-lid ook nog eens 10% korting. Die krijg je bovenop de terugbetaling van CM. Extra voordelig dus.

Oordoppen op maat bij Audika