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Contributions and premiums

As a CM member you pay the CM contribution; if you are also affiliated with CM insurance, you pay a premium for this.

CM - jouw gezondheidsfonds

CM contribution

In 2025 you will pay 9.78 euros per month*. Children and dependents do not pay a contribution.

Are you paying by direct debit ? The amount will be debited from your account by BE79 7805 8592 0833. Are you paying by bank transfer ? You will receive a payment invitation to deposit into BE79 7805 8592 0833. Here you will find frequently asked questions about the CM contribution .

Have you paid your contribution? Then you enjoy many benefits, such as:

  • Reimbursements for all kinds of care, such as dental care, mental well-being and osteopathy ...
  • Affordable prices for youth holidays from Kazou .
  • Reimbursement up to 30 euros for custom earplugs*.
  • Cheaper rates when you borrow something from Goed Thuiszorgwinkel and a 35 percent discount when purchasing home care products.
  • ...

You can find all the benefits at www.cm.be/voordelen .

* Subject to approval by the Health Insurance Fund Control Service.

CM insurance premiums

You can subscribe to additional CM insurance for an additional premium.

  • CM-MediKo Plan
    With CM-MediKo Plan you can count on extra reimbursements and are protected against high medical costs outside the hospital. The premium is determined based on your age.
  • CM-Hospitaalplan and CM-Hospitaalplan Plus
    As a CM member, you can join CM-Hospitaalplan or CM-Hospitaalplan Plus , the cost-covering hospitalisation insurances from CM. With these insurances, you will be reimbursed for a large part of your hospital costs and the medical costs before and after your hospitalisation. We will also reimburse part of your costs for the treatment of a number of serious illnesses. CM-Hospitaalplan Plus gives you a more generous reimbursement than CM-Hospitaalplan.
  • CM-Hospitalfix Extra
    As a CM member you can also sign up for CM-Hospitaalfix Extra . This guarantees a refund per day of hospitalisation. The premium depends on your age.

Other contributions and premiums

  • Financial responsibility
    If the health care budget is exceeded, health insurance funds must help cover the deficit by asking their members to contribute to financial responsibility .
  • Compulsory health insurance
    Some people have to pay a statutory contribution to stay in order with their health insurance. This contribution varies depending on the situation.
  • CM-Health Fund
    CM-Zorgkas puts Flemish social protection into practice. To finance the system, all residents of Flanders over the age of 25 must pay an annual health insurance premium .

Overview bank accounts

  • Contribution
    BE79 7805 8592 0833
  • Insurances
    BE02 0688 9385 6340
  • Zorgkas
    BE72 7775 9420 6316