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CM-MediKo Plan

CM-MediKo Plan is insurance for medical costs that have nothing to do with a hospital admission. This can range from braces to glasses to treatments by the physiotherapist.

I already have CM-MediKo Plan

Are you going to the dentist, ophthalmologist or physiotherapist? You don't think about it, but the costs for those visits can quickly add up to hundreds and even thousands of euros. Not to mention the costs of, for example, braces, glasses or hearing aids.

Consult your CM insurance

Check which insurance policies you and any dependents are affiliated with.

Request your refund

Follow the steps and the amount will be transferred to your account number as quickly as possible.

What you need to know about CM-MediKo Plan

Looking for more details about CM-MediKo Plan? Do you have a specific question that you would like an answer to?

Frequently asked questions

Premiums start from 12.57 euros per month and depend on your age. Do you want to join? Then all persons who are dependent on you for health insurance must also join.

You can calculate your premium yourself here . The table below provides an overview per month in euros:

If joining before the 60th birthday
0-9 years


10-19 years


20-34 years


35-49 years


50-64 years


65-74 years


From 75 years


When joining after the 60th birthday
60-64 years


65-74 years


From 75 years


When joining after the 66th birthday
66-74 years


From 75 years


When joining after the 70th birthday
70-74 years


From 75 years


The premium will be deducted monthly, quarterly or annually.

Betaalmethode wijzigen

No that is not necessary. It is sufficient to deliver the relevant document to CM via the My CM app or via a CM mailbox.

CM and CM-MediKo Plan work together and then provide the refund(s) to which you are entitled. If a document is still missing, we will contact you.