Services and benefits

Health and prevention
Psychological care
There is a reimbursement from the statutory health insurance and from the CM benefit.
BloomUp is an online platform that enables a conversation with a psychologist or psychotherapist in just a few clicks. CM and BloomUp work together.
CM Health Academy
CM-Gezondheidsacademie informs you about health, well-being and health insurance.
CM health consultant
You want to live healthier, with more quality of life. But how do you start? The CM health consultant will show you the way. As a CM member, you are entitled to one free consultation per year.
Contraception for young people
Girls receive an additional reimbursement from their health insurance for the contraceptive pill and various other contraceptives (such as IUDs or patches).
Exercise By Referral
Do you want to exercise more, but don't know how? Your GP, nurse or paramedic can refer you to an Exercise By Referral coach.
Flu vaccine
Some people get a discount for the flu vaccine. After all, a small injection can prevent a lot of trouble.
See and hear well
Audika hearing centers
Being able to hear well is important to feel good and live your life the way you want. What can you go to the Audika hearing centers (former Goed hearing centers) for?
Cataract surgery
During cataract surgery, the ophthalmologist makes a few small incisions in your cornea. Your cloudy eye lens is removed and replaced with an artificial lens.
Covering plasters
A covering plaster or shell with a suction cup is used for children with a lazy eye. The covering plaster covers the good eye to force the child to use the weak eye.
Custom made earplugs
From 2025, CM will reimburse 30 euros annually for custom-made earplugs.*
CM will refund 40 euro per year for new glasses. For children up to 18 years that amount is even 50 euro. In certain cases you will also receive a reimbursement from your health insurance.
Hearing aids
Being able to hear well is important to feel good and live your life the way you want. Sometimes a hearing aid is needed for this. The good news is that health insurance (partially) reimburses this.
Lens implants
CM provides a one-time reimbursement of up to 100 euros per eye for lens implants placed before January 1, 2024 and if they are not reimbursed by health insurance.
Pregnancy, birth, adoption and foster care
Baby massage
Baby massage provides a moment of peace and relaxation for you and your baby. The skin contact creates a warm bond between parent and child and stimulates the physical and emotional development of your child.
Adoption leave
Employees and self-employed persons who adopt a minor child are entitled to adoption leave.
Artificial insemination
Artificial insemination involves the introduction of sperm into the uterus. CM will fully reimburse the costs for both the treatment of the sperm and the actual insemination.
Birth benefits and baby gift
Have you just become a parent? Congratulations! CM likes to celebrate. Skoebidoe, the CM children's service, spoils you with large and small baby gifts and benefits.
Borrow baby equipment
Babies and young children need a lot of care. Extra equipment is often needed to help babies or young children sleep, to help them take medicine or to help them toilet train. Thanks to Goed's lending service, you can borrow baby equipment cheaply. If you, your child or both are CM members, you enjoy a preferential rate.
Child co-payment
Small children often have more medical costs. That is why you will be reimbursed for part of the co-payment for doctor visits for young children.
Home care for sick children
Is your child suddenly ill and do you have to go to work? No worries, CM, together with Ferm, will provide a solution and organize childcare for sick children up to and including 12 years old at your home. This is up to 21 years old for children with a disability or long-term illness.
Rates and Refunds
Arch supports
Only custom-made arch supports are eligible for a refund from CM. The plaster material for the impression will also be reimbursed.
The chiropractor mainly treats complaints about the skeleton, muscular system and nervous system. According to chiropractors, blocked joints in the spine can cause pain in the neck, arms, shoulders, back and legs. A chiropractor is sometimes also called a squatter.
Dentists: rates 2024
The overviews show the fees and reimbursement rates for frequently occurring services.
You need a new tooth or prosthesis? Then the costs can mount up. Fortunately, there are reimbursements.
Emergency service
Were you referred to the emergency department or not?
Foot care
CM provides reimbursement for foot care to diabetes patients, performed by a pedicure or podiatrist.
General practitioners: consultation rates 2025
In this overview you will find the fees and reimbursement rates for consultations with your GP.
Income replacements benefits
Adoption leave
Employees and self-employed persons who adopt a minor child are entitled to adoption leave.
Breastfeeding break
Employees are entitled to breastfeeding breaks to breastfeed their child or express milk.
Catch-up premium
Employees, unemployed people and self-employed persons on disability who meet the conditions receive an annual catch-up premium.
Converted maternity leave
In the event of hospitalization or death of the mother, the father or co-parent can take converted maternity leave under certain conditions.
Disability benefit
Employees, the unemployed and the self-employed who are unable to work due to illness or accident can receive benefits from CM.
Foster parental leave
If you become a foster parent of a minor child, you are entitled to foster parent leave. There is a specific scheme for employees and self-employed persons.
Incapacitated for work: assistance from third parties
Are you incapacitated for work and do you have difficulty performing normal daily activities? You may be entitled to a fixed allowance for third party assistance.
Home care
Non-urgent patient transport
Affordable, non-urgent transport to/from the hospital, for oncological treatment or kidney dialysis.
Solidair Mobiel
Do you occasionally need a wheelchair-friendly car, but you don't have one? Then the car-sharing principle Solidair Mobiel might offer a solution. For the time being, the Solidair Mobiel service is only offered in the Ostend and Roeselare-Tielt regions. There is one car available in each region.
Babysitter for chronically ill children
Does your child have a disability or chronic condition? Do you want to catch your breath or go somewhere? Then expert volunteers are available day and night to provide home care.
Borrowing or purchasing home care aids
You can easily borrow aids from home care stores or Goed's website. The offer consists of the themes 'Living and sleeping', 'Mobility', 'Pregnancy and children', 'Sports and rehabilitation' and 'Allergy and respiratory tract'.
CM home sitter service for home care patients
As an informal caregiver, you also want to visit friends or just get away from it all. That is why CM offers home sitting for the chronically ill, the elderly or people with disabilities. The home sitter can be available during the day, in the evening and at night.
CM-Spaak offers you administrative support and sends a volunteer to your home.
Care budget for elderly people with care needs
Are you 65 years or older, in need of assistance and do you have a limited income?
Holiday and free time
Become a member of OKRA at an affordable price
OKRA, an association for and by people over 55. Together with your peers, you stay active and creative at OKRA, travel and play sports and develop your talents.
CM at your (sports) event
Would you like CM to support your (sports) event? Let us know! There are several possibilities.
CM travel assistance
Thanks to CM travel assistance, children and young people with child benefits can go on holiday to any foreign destination without any worries. For all others, travel assistance depends on the country, region or area visited.
Camp and playground allowance
As a CM member you can send your children to youth camp, sports camp, playground activities or open-air classes at a discount.
European health insurance card
The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) entitles you to reimbursement from a foreign health insurance fund for necessary healthcare.
Exercise By Referral
Do you want to exercise more, but don't know how? Your GP, nurse or paramedic can refer you to an Exercise By Referral coach.
At many music events and festivals, mobile CM teams walk around, giving away free earplugs. Have you spotted us yet?
Hospitalisation and recovery
Active bandages
Active bandages are special and expensive dressings that create a favorable, moist environment so that a wound heals faster.
Breast prostheses
After your breast-conserving surgery or mastectomy, you may be considering a breast prosthesis. If there is increased fluid retention, you may need an arm stocking. There are refunds for that material.
Breast reconstruction
Breast reconstruction is done by placing a breast implant or by using your own tissue (skin, fat, muscle) taken from other parts of the body. You will receive reimbursement from your health insurance for breast reconstruction.
Hair prostheses
You may be eligible for reimbursement from your health insurance for a hair prosthesis if your baldness is caused by a specific disease or condition.
Do you end up in the hospital? You will then be reimbursed for some hospital costs under certain conditions.
How do I request a refund for a hospital stay?
Two to three months after leaving the hospital, you will receive your hospital bill. Are you affiliated with CM-Hospitaalplan or CM-Hospitaalplan Plus? Take your bill and start filing.
Recovery stay
After a hospitalization or serious illness, a recovery stay is sometimes appropriate. During a recovery stay, work is done on rehabilitation, self-reliance, self-care and support for informal care.
Less mobile people who cannot use public transport due to a physical and/or psychological disability can count on the volunteers of the CM-Mobiel service.
Are you a wheelchair user? Then you can count on CM-Rolwagenvervoer for hospital visits, hairdressing appointments or your shopping.
Non-urgent patient transport
Affordable, non-urgent transport to/from the hospital, for oncological treatment or kidney dialysis.
Solidair Mobiel
Do you occasionally need a wheelchair-friendly car, but you don't have one? Then the car-sharing principle Solidair Mobiel might offer a solution. For the time being, the Solidair Mobiel service is only offered in the Ostend and Roeselare-Tielt regions. There is one car available in each region.
Adapted transport
People with mobility problems who cannot or have great difficulty taking public transport can use the Adapted Transport services.
Transport cancer treatment
Your health insurance will provide reimbursement for transportation to and from your cancer treatment.
Transport dialysis
Compulsory health insurance reimburses transport costs to and from the dialysis center.
Aids for people with disabilities
Thanks to Flemish and Brussels social protection, mobility aids such as a wheelchair or a rollator are affordable for people with a permanent or long-term disability. The VAPH also provides various allowances.
Communication and leisure for people with disabilities
Many organizations offer discounts and reimbursements for certain communication or leisure facilities.
Home adaptations for people with disabilities
Costs for home modifications can quickly add up. But sometimes home adjustments have to be made to make life easier. Fortunately, in some cases you are entitled to refunds to reduce costs.
Income for persons with a disability
Persons with a disability have additional costs. Some measures help them to compensate for these extra costs and the loss of income.
Living for people with disabilities
To keep housing affordable for people with disabilities, reimbursements of rental costs are possible. There are also different social rates for water, electricity and gas. We list some reimbursements and social rates.
Mobility for persons with a disability
Persons with a disability are eligible for a discount on public transport and a VAT reduction when purchasing a car.
Specific arrangements in health insurance
Chronic condition status
Persons with a chronic condition who meet the conditions may be entitled to chronic condition status.
Chronic renal insufficiency care pathway
People with chronic renal insufficiency can enter into a care program. A care pathway is an agreement between the patient, his GP and the medical specialist involved in the treatment. The doctors have regular consultations about the patient's treatment. This results in optimal coordination and follow-up of care.
Global medical record
All data about your health is kept in the Global Medical File (GMD). The GP may charge a fee for this per calendar year, which is fully paid by CM. The settlement is made directly between the GP and CM.
Long Covid care process
Anyone who, 12 weeks after a positive test or first symptoms of a Covid-19 infection, still experiences complaints linked to Covid-19 and has a visible impact on daily life, may be eligible for compensation within a care program.
Maximum invoice
Are you not well off or are you seriously ill for a long time? Then medical costs can weigh heavily on the budget. The maximum bill (MAF) limits annual medical costs for families to a ceiling amount. All co-payments above that ceiling amount will be reimbursed by CM.
Palliative care: exemption from co-payment
Are you cared for at home as a palliative patient? Then you may be entitled to the palliative care allowance.
Remote consultations
A remote consultation can be done by video call. Your doctor must apply the paying third party scheme for such a consultation. So you only pay the co-payment.
Even more benefits and discounts
Book discount
As a CM member you receive a discount for various books about health, wellbeing, reimbursements and facilities, among others.
CM informs
CM's reading, viewing and listening offering is extensive and diverse. Depending on your preferences and the stage of life you are in, you can subscribe to relevant newsletters, websites and podcasts.
Kamelego: listen to the newspaper
Thanks to Kamelego, blind, partially sighted, dyslexic, seniors, low-literate people or people with motor disabilities can follow current affairs via the newspaper.
My CM app
The new My CM app is the digital office for CM members: available anytime, anywhere to follow up on your practical matters.