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CM statutes

The statutes of mutual entities, with the exception of mutual assistance insurance companies, are submitted in advance for approval to the Health Insurance Fund Control Service (CDZ). It carries out other control tasks entrusted by the legislature to the mutualistic entities.

National Association of Christian Mutualities

CM Flanders

On January 1, 2022, CM Antwerp, CM Mechelen-Turnhout region, CM Leuven, CM Bruges, CM South-West Flanders, CM Oostende, CM Roeselare-Tielt, CM Midden-Flanders, CM Waas and Dender, CM Sint-Michielsbond and CM Limburg to the Christian Mutuality Flanders.

RMOB CM-Zorgkas Flanders

RMOB CM Brussels

RMOB MC Wallonia

The statutes of mutual entities, with the exception of mutual assistance insurance companies, are submitted in advance for approval to the Health Insurance Fund Control Service (CDZ). It carries out other control tasks entrusted by the legislature to the mutualistic entities. Read more about CDZ

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