Healthcare and caregivers
Well informed as a patient
A successful consultation in 10 steps
Do you go to your GP or another healthcare provider (e.g. specialist, dentist, physiotherapist)?
Confidential advisor and representative for medical matters
As a patient you may be assisted by a confidential counselor or representative. Through a health care proxy, you designate one or more people who will ensure that you receive all necessary care if you become ill.
Electronic patients file
Thanks to an electronic patient file, your healthcare providers can consult your file.
My rights as a patient
In our country, the rights of the patient are legally established. This concerns eight specific rights that healthcare providers must take into account.
Patient file
As a patient you have the right to a carefully maintained and safely stored patient file. A patient file naturally has all kinds of advantages. This makes it easier, among other things, to view it and add your data.
Home care
Need home care? You can count on CM
If you are (suddenly) confronted with an illness, disability or limitation, you sometimes don't know how to proceed. CM is then ready for you.
What to do in the event of a career break for home care?
If you take care of a (terminally) ill person, you can stop working completely or partially for a certain period of time, or be exempt from your obligations as an unemployed person. There are different forms of career breaks.
What to do when appointing an administrator or confidant?
If you are unable to care for yourself due to illness or disability, you can appoint a guardian or confidant.
What to do when drawing up a healthcare contract or healthcare power of attorney?
If you are no longer able to take care of yourself, your property, finances and possessions due to illness or disability, you can arrange a care contract or health care power of attorney.
What to do with care homes, care stays and palliative home care?
As a person requiring care, will you continue to live at home or will you go to an adapted care institution?
Contact with fellow sufferers
Getting together with fellow sufferers can be an enormous support.
What to do in case of informal care?
Taking care of a person with an illness or disability at home is not easy. Fortunately, CM assists informal caregivers with advice and support.
Healthcare providers
BloomUp is an online platform that enables a conversation with a psychologist or psychotherapist in just a few clicks. CM and BloomUp work together.
Consult a doctor online
Can you speak to a doctor anywhere? With the Doktr app you can quickly contact a doctor for personal medical advice in a video call. If your own GP does teleconsultations on Doktr, you can also easily speak to him.
Find a healthcare provider in your area
Find a doctor, dentist, physiotherapist or other healthcare provider in your area. And check whether they respect the agreed rates.
What does it mean to be conventionalized?
To protect the patient, health insurance funds make agreements with healthcare providers about rates. Whoever accepts the agreement is contracted.
Plan care
Cards 'Life Wishes'
Talking about the end of your life is of course easier said than done. But CM also has a solution for that.
Healthcare proxy, my life wishes in good hands
If you are slowly losing control over the management of your assets, you can give someone power of attorney to manage your assets and make decisions about you.
Planned care abroad
Before a planned treatment abroad starts, you must first obtain permission from the advising doctor.
What to do with advance care planning?
It is useful for everyone to think in advance about his or her care preferences: advance care planning.