Short stay
Thanks to short stays, care-dependent people receive the necessary care during an adapted stay in an institution or home. This allows the caregiver to catch their breath. Short stays are also possible in the CM care homes Ter Duinen in Nieuwpoort and Hooidonk in Zandhoven.
CM pays half the daily rate with a maximum of 15 euros per day.
- For stays up to and including December 31, 2023, up to a maximum of 28 days per year.
- For stays from January 1, 2024 you can receive a refund of up to 420 euros for day care , short stay and night care together.
Send the invoice to CM
Deliver the invoice from the short-stay institution (with a yellow sticker of the person requiring care) via the My CM app or a CM mailbox .
You will receive the refund
CM will deposit the amount of the refund into your account.
What are the conditions?
- The person requiring care is a CM member.
- Temporary stay with overnight accommodation takes place in:
- short-stay center recognized by the Flemish government in the context of the residential care decree ;
- center for recovery accommodation recognized by the Flemish government in the context of the residential care decree ;
- for a short stay until 31 December 2023: service or facility recognized by the Flemish Agency for Persons with Disabilities as RTH (directly accessible assistance service), as licensed care providers or as MFC (multifunctional center for minors);
- service or facility recognized by CM .
- After the short stay, the person requiring care leaves the facility and returns home for at least seven consecutive days.