You need a new tooth or prosthesis? Then the costs can mount up. Fortunately, there are reimbursements.
The health insurance reimburses removable dental prostheses under certain conditions. And this for the upper teeth, the lower teeth or for both together.
Are you not getting any reimbursement for your prosthesis from your health insurance? Then you are entitled to a CM reimbursement . And this for both fixed and removable prostheses.

Health insurance
In Belgium, health insurance is mandatory. Everyone who contributes to it can benefit from it.

CM advantage
In addition to the compulsory health insurance, as a CM member you receive additional benefits.
Health insurance | apply
Only for removable dentures is a refund possible. This applies to both the upper denture, the lower denture and both together.
In many cases this is done electronically and you do not need to do anything yourself. If you do receive a certificate for assistance provided, please provide this to CM as soon as possible.
What is the condition?
- Being fifty years of age or older.
- The age requirement is waived for certain conditions or in specific situations. Your dentist can check whether you qualify for this.
Health Insurance | Reimbursements
You are simply insured
with oral care program: 452.00 to 679.50 euros
without oral care program: 396.00 to 626.50 euros
You have VT
with oral care program: 559.00 to 844.00 euros
without oral care program: 557.00 to 842.00 euros
The oral care pathway means that reimbursement for most dental care is better for those who visit a dentist regularly than for those who do not. 'Regular' means that the patient received dental care that was reimbursed in the previous calendar year.
Reimbursement is possible per jaw and per seven calendar years. The calendar year of the placement of the prosthesis counts as the first of the seven calendar years.
For example: if a removable prosthesis is placed in November 2022, you will be entitled to a new removable prosthesis from January 1, 2029.
You are simply insured
with oral care program:
for first tooth: 175.00 euros
per additional tooth: 46.50 euros
without oral care program:
for first tooth: 154.50 euros
per additional tooth: 37.50 euros
You have VT
with oral care program:
for first tooth: 196.00 euros
per additional tooth: 56.50 euros
without oral care program:
for first tooth: 195.00 euros
per additional tooth: 55.50 euros
The oral care pathway means that reimbursement for most dental care is better for those who visit a dentist regularly than for those who do not. 'Regular' means that the patient received dental care that was reimbursed in the previous calendar year.
Reimbursement is limited per prosthesis to a ceiling value that corresponds to the value of a complete prosthesis. The amount of reimbursement may therefore be lower than the amounts stated in this table, if the ceiling value has already been reached.
You are simply insured
with oral care program: 121.00 euros
without oral care program: 100.50 euros
You have VT
with oral care program: 142.00 euros
without oral care program: 141.00 euros
The oral care pathway means that reimbursement for most dental care is better for those who visit a dentist regularly than for those who do not. 'Regular' means that the patient received dental care that was reimbursed in the previous calendar year.
Prosthesis repair is paid out up to once per calendar year.
You are simply insured
with oral care program: 186.50 euros
without oral care program: 166.00 euros
You have VT
with oral care program: 199.00 euros
without oral care program: 198.00 euros
The oral care pathway means that reimbursement for most dental care is better for those who visit a dentist regularly than for those who do not. 'Regular' means that the patient received dental care that was reimbursed in the previous calendar year.
Replacement of the base to which the teeth are bonded is paid out up to twice per jaw (lower and upper jaw) and per current period of seven calendar years.
- A fixed dental prosthesis or a 'dental bridge' is not reimbursed in most cases. Only for patients who need a complex dental restoration due to cancer or anodontia (complete absence of permanent teeth) a reimbursement is provided in certain cases .
- In the event of serious dysfunction of the removable complete lower denture, a one-off reimbursement may be possible from the age of seventy, under strict criteria, for:
One of these criteria is that when the implants or abutments are placed, you must have been wearing a removable complete lower denture on a completely edentulous lower jaw (when there are no visible teeth or tooth roots) for at least 12 months.
Code: 308512
You are simply insured
fee: 2,197.50 euros
with oral care program: 1,756.50 euros
without oral care program: 1,716 euros
You have VT
fee: 2,197.50 euros
with oral care program: 2,112.50 euros
without oral care program: 2,110.50 euros
Code: 308534
You are simply insured
fee: 2,061.50 euros
with oral care program: 1,620.50 euros
without oral care program: 1,580.00 euros
You have VT
fee: 2,061.50 euros
with oral care program: 1,976.50 euros
without oral care program: 1,974.50 euros
CM advantage
Do you need a removable or fixed prosthesis such as a crown, bridge or implant? As a CM member, you are entitled to a 40% reimbursement of the purchase and placement costs, up to 1,050 euros every 2 calendar years (with increased reimbursement : 75% with a maximum of 1,050 euros). For prostheses placed before 1 January 2024, the reimbursement is 60% instead of 40%, with the same maximum amount of 1,050 euros. And you can count on an extra reimbursement thanks to the CM-Mediko Plan .
Request a proof
Ask your healthcare provider for proof of reimbursement under the CM dental benefit. You do not have to print this form yourself and give it to your healthcare provider.
The Riziv provides the form 'Harmonisation document' or 'Evidence of treatment(s) carried out' for this purpose .
Deliver to CM
Submit the completed form via a CM mailbox or the My CM app .
What are the conditions?
- Being a member of CM.
- The reimbursement applies to the placement of new fixed prostheses (crowns, bridges and implants on which a fixed prosthetic device is placed), new removable prostheses and for additions to existing removable prostheses. The reimbursement does not apply to rebasing, nor to repairs. Overview of the services that are or are not eligible.
- The prosthesis is delivered by a dentist who is recognized by the Riziv.
- The refund up to 1,050 euros is possible every two calendar years. How is the refund calculated over two calendar years?
- There is no right to reimbursement by statutory health insurance for removable dental prostheses.
- Under certain conditions, health insurance will reimburse these prostheses. This is described in law. Are you eligible for reimbursement by health insurance? Then the statutory rates apply and there is no reimbursement from the CM benefit.
- There is no application for reimbursement through the Technical Dental Council.
Extra information
Curious about what average cost and average reimbursement you can expect for a dental prosthesis? We list the most common treatments and their cost.
Any questions? View the frequently asked questions or contact CM.