Beware of phishing. CM never sends you e-mails with requests to alter your personal details. How can you spot a fake e-mail?

Birth benefits and baby gift

Have you just become a parent? Congratulations! CM likes to celebrate. Skoebidoe, the CM children's service, spoils you with large and small baby gifts and benefits.

As a new parent you can choose from:

  • a premium of 130 euro;
  • the Dreambaby gift cards for an amount of 180 euro. 160 euro is to be spent on the entire catalog, except gift and pay cards and infant milk. 20 euro is to spent on Dreambee, Dreambaby's own brand. 

You also enjoy many other benefits:

Provide the certificate

Provide the birth certificate, adoption papers or certificates of prospective foster care (or a copy or digital version thereof) to CM. This can easily be done online .

The CM employees do the rest

Do you choose the gift cards? You will then receive them by email. Do you opt for the premium? It will then be transferred to your account.