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Occupational guidance and housing advice

Do you want to live at home for a long time, but sometimes have difficulty getting out of bed or have difficulty with the stairs? You can solve many problems with CM's occupational guidance and housing advice. The service is free and without obligation. These services are part of Social Work.


The occupational therapists give you and your caregiver(s) advice and tips about:

  • How to deal with conditions such as dementia, Parkinson's or CVA.
    How can you or your caregivers be supported in the different phases of the disease process? Or what after a hospital admission?
  • Fall prevention.
    How can you reduce the risk of falling in and around the home and what exactly should you do if you do fall.
  • Specific tools and technology.
    Adjusted cutlery for better eating, a handle to help you stand up more easily, ... These solutions are often more convenient and cheaper than you think.
  • Adaptation of the home to increase its accessibility and living comfort.
    By adapting a room, such as the bathroom, you might be able to shower independently and safely again? Or perhaps there is a tool to overcome that one step too many...


Our occupational therapists also support and guide you to:

  • Practice daily activities that are more difficult to walk.
    Are you having trouble cooking? The occupational therapist will then discuss with you what is still possible and how you can put that delicious plate back on the table in a different way.
  • Learn ways to move more smoothly.
    This can range from getting out of bed to effectively moving outside the home with a walker.

Occupational therapist Kaat explains how to prevent falls

What should you do?

Request occupational guidance or housing advice using the form below or via the Zorglijn .

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