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Aids for people with disabilities

Thanks to Flemish and Brussels social protection, mobility aids such as a wheelchair or a rollator are affordable for people with a permanent or long-term disability. The VAPH also provides various allowances.

Flemish Agency for Persons with Disabilities

The VAPH provides reimbursements for various aids, adjustments and materials. These include:  

  • incontinence material ;
  • (additional) costs of aids and adjustments. These are described in a reference list . Exceptions are investigated by the special assistance committee.  

You can also go there for the personal assistance budget , the personal budget and support in the areas of housing and care .

Flemish social protection

Are you no longer able to move around properly due to a disability, chronic illness or old age? The Flemish social protection (VSB) contributes to the rent or purchase of a mobility aid such as a walking frame (rollator), wheelchair, scooter or tricycle. This concerns:

  • a fixed amount for a mobility aid that you purchase;
  • the full rental price if you rent a mobility aid;
  • the costs of maintenance and repairs.

Anyone who is affiliated with CM-Zorgkas can call on this for financial settlement.