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How is your benefit calculated if you work (with permission) during your period of illness?

In addition to the income you receive from the permitted activity, you retain part or even all of your sickness or disability benefits.

CM - jouw gezondheidsfonds

Depending on the type of activity, your benefit will decrease. In some cases you simply keep it.

You receive a sickness or disability benefit and combine this with an authorized activity :

    Your benefit remains the same as long as you do not work more than 20 percent of a full-time job . For every percentage above 20 percent, your benefit decreases by the same percentage. Depending on the situation, this general rule may be deviated from. Your employer reports the employment percentage to your health insurance fund every month.


    • You are incapacitated for work and receive a sickness benefit of 45 euros per day.
    • The advising doctor gives you permission to resume your activities for 19 hours per week, instead of your full-time working week of 38 hours. You are therefore allowed to resume your activities for 50% (50% of 38 hours = 19 hours).
    • Your benefit will be exempted for 20% and will therefore be reduced by 30% (50% working - 20% exemption = 30% less benefit)
    • Your benefit will be reduced by 13.50 euros (30% of 45 euros = 13.50 euros).
    • This will not affect your benefits for the first six months .
    • From the seventh month to the end of the third year, your benefit decreases by 10 percent.
    • From the fourth year onwards, your tax income from the previous three years is taken into account. Depending on whether or not this income exceeds a threshold amount, your benefit will be reduced, canceled or retained completely.

    This has no impact on your benefits.

    Your benefits will be reduced by 25 percent in the first year and by 50 percent from the second year onwards .

    Your benefit will not be reduced , unless you are chairman of this council. Because then you will not receive attendance fees, but a salary.