Working full-time after disability
If you return to work full-time on the first working day after the end date of your disability, you do not have to notify CM.

Do you start working full-time after your disability? Then your recognition and payment of your benefits will automatically be stopped.
Will you resume work or return to unemployment before the end date stated on your recognition letter? Then provide CM with the completed declaration via the contact form or the CM mailbox .
From the second year of incapacity for work, you must always submit a return to work declaration if you start working full-time again. From then on, there will no longer be an end date on your recognition letter.
The declaration is processed differently depending on your status.
Provide CM with the completed declaration of return to work. Do this no later than eight days after the end of the disability. Your employer will then provide CM with an electronic confirmation via the social security website.
Provide CM with the completed proof of resumption of unemployment. Do this no later than eight days after the end of the disability.
Provide CM with the completed notice of return to work. Do this no later than two days after the end of the disability.