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What to do in the event of a sports accident?

In the event of a sports accident, there are two possibilities: either you are a professional athlete, or you are not paid for your sport.

Depending on this, the sports accident may or may not actually be an occupational accident.

You are a professional athlete

As a professional athlete you are paid and therefore have an employment contract. Your employer (sports club) is obliged to take out industrial accident insurance. The accident is considered an accident at work.

Notify your employer

Report the accident to your employer immediately. He in turn passes it on to his industrial accident insurer.

Injury(s)? Report your accident to CM

This can be done in two ways:

You can also receive the form without having reported your sports accident. This happens if CM suspects that you have had an accident (e.g. based on a hospital admission or a declaration of disability).

Always return the completed form to CM as quickly as possible, even if your medical costs are not a result of your sports accident.

Incapacitated? Indicate it

Submit a declaration of disability if you cannot practice your professional sport.

Medical costs and lost wages

The same rules apply as in the case of an accident at work.

You are not a professional athlete

You are not paid or only receive an expense allowance for your sport? Your sports club usually has an insurance policy that will reimburse your personal part of the medical costs, after CM has taken care of the (partial) reimbursement.

Notify your sports club

Report the accident to your sports club and/or insurer.

Injury(s)? Report your accident to CM

This can be done in two ways:

You can also receive the form without having reported an accident. This happens if CM suspects that you have had an accident (e.g. based on a hospital admission or a declaration of disability).

Always return the completed form to CM as quickly as possible, even if your medical costs are not the result of an accident.

Incapacitated? Indicate it

Do you become incapacitated for work after an accident? Report this in a timely and correct manner to the CM's consulting physician. The declaration period varies depending on whether you are an employee, unemployed or self-employed.

Reimbursement of medical costs

  • Submit your medical expenses to CM and always state that they are related to the accident.
  • Provide your sports club or insurer with an overview of what you paid yourself. You can print such an overview via ' My CM'.