Beware of phishing. CM never sends you e-mails with requests to alter your personal details. How can you spot a fake e-mail?

Volunteer at CM: frequently asked questions

Yes, depending on the type of commitment you take on, you have a duty of discretion and/or professional secrecy.

Duty of discretion starts from the interests of the organization for which you are committed. This means that you do not pass on information to people outside the organization. This may concern information from clients/participants, but also sensitive information about the organization. You can share information with fellow volunteers or professionals if it is important for the provision of assistance or the functioning of the service or organization. If you violate the duty of discretion, the organization can impose a sanction.

Professional secrecy goes a lot further than the duty of discretion. You do not share information that you have received from a client/participant through a relationship of trust, not even with the professionals or your fellow volunteers. If you violate professional secrecy, you may be prosecuted.

Every organization under the CM flag has an organizational memorandum in which your rights and obligations are clearly described. It also states which type of confidentiality obligation your engagement falls under. This organizational note is provided at the start of each voluntary commitment.

The personal data of volunteers is protected by European GDPR legislation. Every organization is obliged to closely follow this privacy legislation. Failure to comply may be sanctioned by the Data Protection Authority (formerly the Privacy Commission).

You can read how CM (and all associated organizations) guarantees your privacy as a volunteer, candidate volunteer or former volunteer in the privacy statement for volunteers .

We register the details of each volunteer in the Saam application. This way we guarantee the security of the data.

We speak of volunteer work as people:

  • dedicate themselves to an organization that does not pursue profit;
  • doing this without pay: volunteer work is never paid. Volunteers may receive an expense allowance, but according to strict rules;
  • doing so voluntarily: no one can be forced to do volunteer work. Private or family activities, such as mowing the neighbor's lawn or shopping for your mother, are not volunteer work.

Do you have a 'right to reception' or do you have legal residence documents? Then you can do volunteer work.

Anyone staying in a reception center must request permission from Fedasil. This can be done through the social worker at the reception center.

Yes, we regularly organize training for our volunteers. You will receive more information about this from your contact person.

Certainly. You must always file an individual declaration with the NEO. CM employees can support you with this application.

Important : volunteering abroad requires additional actions.

No, it is not a requirement. Everyone is welcome at CM, as long as you endorse CM's mission and values.

Absolute. A commitment under the CM flag certainly does not equal a long-term commitment.

There are more than enough short-term challenges, such as working as a festival employee for a few hours or providing support in setting up an activity. But the organization of a day trip, weekend or holiday week does not have to have a major impact on your agenda.

Of course. We are committed to finding a tailor-made commitment together with every candidate volunteer.

Of course. But in theory you have to ask permission from your manager. It is often sufficient to inform the employer that you are doing volunteer work.

If you receive benefits for illness or disability, you must obtain approval and written permission from the advising doctor. A simple note from the GP is not sufficient.

To do this, complete the 'application for admission for volunteer work' form and submit it via the CM mailbox .

Our employees can support you with this application.

The permitted, voluntary activity has no impact on the benefit.

No problem, our colleagues from the volunteer compass will work with you to determine which commitment is tailor-made for you. You can leave your details via the contact form and they will contact you.

Everyone from the age of 16.

If you receive a benefit from the RVA, CM or receive a living wage, some rules apply.

Yes, you are always insured for physical accidents as a volunteer. This insurance also covers illnesses and infections that you have contracted while carrying out your volunteer work.

No, as a volunteer under the CM flag you will not be held liable for errors that occur during the performance of your volunteer work. All organizations under the CM flag meet the legal requirements regarding civil liability.

Yes, you can rely on legal assistance in the event of legal disputes due to an accident during your volunteer work.

Yes, you are also insured during thank-you moments, training and other activities organized in the context of your volunteer work.

Depending on your commitment, a tailor-made insurance policy is available. If you would like to know more about the policy or make a declaration, please contact your contact person.

Yes, comprehensive car insurance is provided for some commitments, but not for everything. As a volunteer you are in any case insured during your commitment and the travel to and from this activity.

  • Stay calm and contact emergency services immediately if necessary.
  • Request contact information for possible witnesses.
  • In case of physical injury, have yourself examined by a doctor and add the medical certificate to your declaration.
  • Inform your relevant service or contact person at CM within 24 hours of the accident or damage, so that they can contact you for further follow-up.
  • In the event of vandalism or damage to your vehicle due to a hit-and-run, always have an official report (PV) drawn up by the police.

Yes, no mileage will be reimbursed for training that is separate from the training plan and therefore not mandatory for your commitment. For example, an 'open training' from the health academy.

However, this will be clearly stated when welcoming new volunteers and during each activity, so that you are aware of the mileage allowance.

Yes, all volunteers will be reimbursed for their transport expenses for travel to supporting activities such as training, thank-you parties and intervisions. This also applies to volunteers with a fixed compensation.

Travel to the wellbeing forum and networking meeting is reimbursed for Healthy Neighborhood volunteers, participation council members and network council members.

Yes, as a volunteer you are entitled to a realistic reimbursement of costs, unless otherwise stated. This means that costs you incur based on your commitment to CM will be reimbursed. To do this, you submit an expense report to your service or contact person with supporting documents, such as invoices or receipts. You can also get the expense form from them.

For journeys by public transport, you must submit an expense report with the necessary supporting documents, such as tickets.

For trips with a motorized vehicle (car, moped, etc.) and by bicycle, we pay the legal maximum amount that is indexed according to the applicable standards.

Travel on foot is not compensated.

CM follows the amounts as indicated by the Flemish Support Center for Volunteer Work. For the most current amounts, visit

As a volunteer you are encouraged to carpool where possible. Only the driver can submit the costs of the trip.

Yes, as a volunteer you will be reimbursed for the kilometers you travel. Any travel you make in the context of your volunteer work at CM, such as to activities, clients or to carry out tasks, will be reimbursed.

If you receive a lump sum allowance, the kilometer allowance falls within the lump sum, except for CM-Mobiel volunteers.

Certainly. There is an extensive range of training courses that you can participate in for free as a CM volunteer. We also provide welcome moments for new volunteers. You will be invited to this by your contact person.