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Hospital bill

  • Make sure you are in compliance with your health insurance . Otherwise, CM's reimbursement will be jeopardized.
  • Check your hospitalization insurance policy in advance. This way you know which costs are covered and which you have to pay yourself.
  • If possible, find out in advance about the room and fee supplements and about the status of your doctor. You can contact CM for this, among others.
  • Read the recording document carefully. It contains concrete information about room and fee supplements, and you must indicate your room choice on it. So do not sign it carelessly, because the document is binding.
  • Choose a price-conscious single room , double room or shared room . Financial information about the different room types can be found on the admission statement. You will receive this at the latest when you are admitted, but you can also request it in advance.
  • Discuss the cost of your treatment with your doctor. In the event of a planned admission, the hospital can also give you a cost estimate. You will find a cost price simulator for common treatments on the websites of many hospitals. If it is not online, you can ask the hospital to provide you with a customized cost estimate.
  • Compare hospital rates and adjust your choice of hospital as far as possible. You can compare rates with the ' Compare Hospital Rates ' application.
  • Ask about the rates for the various costs (e.g. television, telephone, internet, meal for the accompanying partner or parent).

  • You can report a hospital admission online to CM-Hospitaalplan. You can only do this after you have received your hospital invoice.
  • To forward your declaration, you need a My CM profile. Read more about My CM . Have your hospital invoice at hand, surf to the application to indicate your admission and follow the instructions.
  • Questions about the online tax return? Here you will find what to do if you are admitted to hospital .

This section contains the costs for urgent and non-urgent transport through the hospital. This does not concern transport by the fire brigade or an external company.

  • Urgent patient transport
    The costs for urgent patient transport are determined by law.
  • Non-urgent patient transport
    Transport to another hospital where you as a patient do not return the same day or transport for dialysis organized by the hospital.

  • Medicines
    This lists both reimbursable and non-reimbursable medicines. You only pay for what you have actually used. If you are admitted with an overnight stay, you will not be charged anything for reimbursable medicines. The cost of this medication is already included in the medicines lump sum.
  • Parapharmaceutical products
    These include care products, a toothbrush or thermometer. There is no refund for it. They are entirely the responsibility of the patient.
  • Implants
    These are instruments, devices or aids that are inserted into the body (e.g. eye lens, artificial hip). For implants you usually have to pay a personal share. In addition, the hospital pharmacist may charge you a delivery margin. This is 10% of the cost price, with a maximum of 148.74 euros. No charge may be made for a number of implants. Therefore, always have your invoice checked by CM.
  • Prosthetics
    Just like implants, prostheses serve to replace or modify a body part. The difference is that a prosthesis is worn externally, such as an orthopedic shoe or a knee brace. A personal share but no delivery margin is charged for prostheses.
  • Non-implantable medical devices
    Material needed during and after an operation (e.g. suture material) may not be charged for, unless there is a refund by CM. The hospital pharmacist can charge you a delivery margin for these materials. It amounts to 10% of the cost price, with a maximum of 148.74 euros.

  • Fees fully charged to CM
    There is no co-payment or supplement payable by you as a patient for these services.
  • Fees with co-payment and/or fee supplement
    The co-payment or personal share is laid down in the rate agreement. Fee supplements may only be charged if you choose a single room. The performances are listed per healthcare provider.
  • Fees for non-refundable services
    These services are not reimbursed by CM and are entirely your responsibility as a patient. They must be clearly described on the invoice.

A hospital may invoice four fixed allowances for each admission, even if you do not use the services charged.

A different arrangement applies to day admission.

  • Clinical biology fixed allowance
    This flat rate is 7.44 euros for normally insured people. Those who are entitled to the increased compensation pay nothing. When admitted to psychiatry, the amount varies depending on the institution.
  • Medical imaging package
    As a normal insured person you pay 6.20 euros. Are you entitled to the increased compensation ? Then you pay 1.98 euros.
  • Fixed allowance medical on-call service and technical benefits
    You pay a flat rate of 16.40 euros per admission for all technical services. Are you entitled to the increased compensation ? Then you pay nothing.
  • Fixed allowance medicines
  • Fixed rate per admission
    This flat rate is only charged to CM.
  • Fixed rate per admission day
    You pay 0.62 euros for reimbursable medicines per day of stay. This amount is determined by law and is also charged if you have not used these medicines.
    This flat rate will not be invoiced for day admission. When admitted to a psychiatric hospital, the amount is 0.80 euros per day.

  • Personal share
    This amount is legally established. It varies depending on your status and the duration of your admission.
  • Room supplement
    The hospital may only charge a room supplement if you choose a single room.
 1st day2nd day to 90th dayFrom 91st day
Amounts valid since January 1, 2023
Insured persons with increased compensation
With or without dependents




Long-term unemployed (more than 12 months)
With or without dependents




Other insured persons
Without dependents




With dependents or who pay alimony




Their dependent children


