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Non-urgent patient transport

Affordable, non-urgent transport to/from the hospital, for oncological treatment or kidney dialysis.

Non-urgent patient transport is high-quality and affordable transport:

  • to and from the hospital (admission, consultation, discharge);
  • for oncological treatment (chemotherapy, radiotherapy or follow-up consultation);
  • for kidney dialysis.

The transport is provided by professional transport services. You pay a personal share. CM pays the remaining amount directly to the carrier.

Make your appointment at the hospital

Due to the availability of transport, it is best to submit your request for non-urgent patient transport as soon as your appointment with the hospital has been confirmed.

Request transportation from CM

There are two options for requesting transport from CM's Patient Transport service:

Personal share per single journey

Type of transportPersonal shareSupplement for transportation between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m
Rates from January 1, 2024 till December 31, 2024
Lying ambulance transport51 euros+50.64 euros
Seated transport20.40 euros+20.26 euros
Wheelchair transport30.60 euros+20.26 euros
In addition to the supplement for transport between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m., no other costs, supplements or waiting fees may be charged.

Type of transportPersonal shareSupplement for transportation between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m
Rates from January 1, 2025*
Lying ambulance transport53 euros+52.28 euros
Seated transport21.20 euros+20.91 euros
Wheelchair transport31.80 euros+20.91 euros
In addition to the supplement for transport between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m., no other costs, supplements or waiting fees may be charged.

* Subject to approval by the Health Insurance Fund Control Service.

Type of transportPersonal share
Rates from January 1, 2024 till December 31, 2024
Lying ambulance transport12.40 euros
6.20 euros with supplemented refunds
Seated transport6.20 euros
3.10 euros with supplemented refunds
Wheelchair transport6.20 euros
3.10 euros with supplemented refunds


Type of transportPersonal share
Rates from January 1, 2025*
Lying ambulance transport12.80 euros
6.40 euros with supplemented refunds
Seated transport6.40 euros
3.20 euros with supplemented refunds
Wheelchair transport6.40 euros
3.20 euros with supplemented refunds


* Subject to approval by the Health Insurance Fund Control Service.

Type of transportPersonal share
Rates from January 1, 2024 till December 31, 2024
Lying ambulance transport20.40 euros
10.20 euros with supplemented refunds
Seated transport10.20 euros
5.10 euros with supplemented refunds
Wheelchair transport10.20 euros
5.10 euros with supplemented refunds

Type of transportPersonal share
Rates from January 1, 2025*
Lying ambulance transport21.20 euros
10.60 euros with supplemented refunds
Seated transport10.60 euros
5.30 euros with supplemented refunds
Wheelchair transport10.60 euros
5.30 euros with supplemented refunds

* Subject to approval by the Health Insurance Fund Control Service.

Extra information

  • In case of late cancellation (less than 2 hours before the appointment), the healthcare provider may charge a cancellation fee.
  • In the event of recurring outstanding debts with carriers and/or recurring problems with a carrier that indicate abuse of the service, Mutas may refuse a request for a ride with the approval of CM.
  • Do you want rate certainty for other non-urgent patient transport? You can request this online via Mutas/Lisa, or the online Mutas form, or on 078 15 95 95, but there is no CM refund.
  • For non-urgent patient transport that cannot be requested in advance via Mutas, such as event transport, there is a reimbursement of 2 euros per started kilometer for horizontal ambulance transport, and 1 euro per started kilometer for taxi and wheelchair transport.
  • You can also contact CM-Mobiel for admission, discharge and consultation in a hospital, private consultation, rehabilitation or another type of transport that is not series transport oncology or dialysis. You pay a kilometer rate for this volunteer transport from the driver's place of residence, which can be cheaper for short distances.