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Vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough

CM and the health insurance provide reimbursement for a number of vaccines. After all, a small injection can prevent a lot of trouble.

In Flanders, the vaccines against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough that are administered to babies, children and young people as part of the vaccination schedule are free.

The government also makes the booster vaccinations available to everyone free of charge. In that case, your doctor must order the vaccine directly from the Flemish government. So you are not allowed to collect it yourself from your pharmacist if you want to be vaccinated for free.  

Important: if you get the whooping cough vaccine yourself from the pharmacist, you can receive a partial refund from your health insurance under certain conditions. The co-payment (part that you pay yourself) is 6.56 euros (3.91 euros for people with an increased allowance). You can request more information about the conditions from CM.