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Vaccine against the human papillomavirus

CM and the health insurance provide reimbursement for a number of vaccines. After all, a small injection can prevent a lot of trouble.

The human papillomavirus (HPV) can cause cervical cancer, cancers of the genitals and anus, or cancers in the head and neck region. In addition, HPV can also cause genital warts.  

  • The Flemish government offers a free vaccination (Gardasil9®) for children in the first year of secondary education through the CLB.  
  • The GP can also administer the vaccination, but then you pay for the consultation. The vaccine is free if the GP orders it via Vaccinnet, the ordering system of the Flemish government. If you get the vaccine from the pharmacist with a prescription, it is not free.  

Health insurance largely reimburses the Gardasil9® vaccine for children aged 12 to 18. For them, the vaccine costs 12.10 euros per dose or 8 euros if they are entitled to an increased allowance. For girls, the Cervarix® vaccine is also eligible for a similar reimbursement.  

Important : depending on age, the vaccination consists of two or three doses .

Ask your doctor for a prescription

Ask your doctor for a prescription to give to the pharmacist.

You only pay the co-payment

Do you meet all the conditions? Then you only pay the co-payment to the pharmacist.