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Travel assistance for students

Young people studying in another European country enjoy the benefits of CM travel assistance.

Thanks to travel assistance for students, they can call the Mutas emergency center and receive reimbursement for urgent medical costs.

Inform CM about your plans

Do this before you go abroad to study.

Always take your EHIC with you

Always take a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) with you:

We only recommend a physical ticket for stays longer than three months and for travel to Australia.

Provide CM with a certificate

For each study or internship period abroad, a certificate is required stating your destination and period of stay. You request it from your domestic or foreign educational institution and then deliver it to CM via the app or CM mailbox.

Are you studying outside Europe?

Are you going to study in a country that is not covered by CM travel assistance for students? Then it may be appropriate to take out private insurance for medical costs and/or repatriation.