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Specialists: higher reimbursement after referral

If you were referred by your GP, you will be reimbursed more for a consultation with certain specialists.

After a referral to a specialist you can receive a higher reimbursement:


  • The specialist may apply the paying third party scheme. In this case, you no longer need to submit the referral form to CM.
  • Even when the specialist has a If you create an electronic certificate (eAttest), you no longer need to submit the referral form to CM. You pay the full amount to the healthcare provider and receive a refund from CM afterwards, taking the higher reimbursement into account.

For example, how much will you be reimbursed for a consultation with an accredited cardiologist who has accepted the agreement with the health insurance funds and can charge 44.56 euros? A comparative overview.

You are simply insured

reimbursement without referral: 32.56 euros

reimbursement with referral: 37.56 euros

You have VT

reimbursement without referral: 41.56 euros

reimbursement with referral: 43.56 euros

You provide CM with these documents

CM will pay you back

CM will deposit the refund into your account as soon as possible.