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What to do with your eAttest?

General practitioners, dentists and specialists (in private practice) can choose to electronically forward the doctor's note ('certificate for assistance provided') to CM themselves. That certificate is the eAttest.

CM - jouw gezondheidsfonds

When using the eAttest, you still pay the full amount to your healthcare provider. But you no longer have to provide CM with a certificate yourself. This is arranged directly between your doctor and CM via the computer.

  • Your healthcare provider will give you a receipt, but you do not have to submit it to CM.
  • Keep the proof until the refund has been credited to your account or if you claim an additional refund for additional insurance.
  • You can request information about the refund from CM using the receipt number on the receipt.

The eAttest is not mandatory. Each healthcare provider can choose whether or not to use the eAttest.

What are the benefits of the eAttest?

  • Less administration.
  • Automatic reimbursement without the risk of losing certificates.
  • Faster refund.
  • Good for the environment due to less paper consumption.