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Solidair Mobiel

Do you occasionally need a wheelchair-friendly car, but you don't have one? Then the car-sharing principle Solidair Mobiel might offer a solution. For the time being, the Solidair Mobiel service is only offered in the Ostend and Roeselare-Tielt regions. There is one car available in each region.

Starting rate (including the first 30 km) is 20 euros and 1 euro per hour. From 31 kilometers you pay 0.50 euros per km. This price includes all costs (insurance, road tax, maintenance and fuel). The car in Roeselare has room for four additional passengers. The car in Ostend has room for one extra passenger.

Have you ever called on Solidair Mobiel? Then you can skip steps 1 to 3 in the step-by-step plan below.

You make an appointment

You make an appointment with the Zorgend Vrijwilligerswerk employee:

  • By telephone: 059 55 40 50
  • By email

You sign the agreement

You sign the agreement for CM's car sharing project and pay a 75 euro deposit.

You will receive an explanation about how to use it

After signing, you will receive a demonstration of the vehicle and the loading platform.

You reserve the car

You can reserve your car by email or by telephone (059 55 40 50).

  • You can borrow the car 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
  • You can reserve the car for a maximum of 2 consecutive days. In exceptional cases, this may be deviated from.

You pick up your car

You pick up your car at the agreed time at one of the following permanent locations:

  • Beversesteenweg 35 in Roeselare.
  • Ieperstraat 10 in Ostend.

Using the code, you can remove the car key from the key box.

You fill the fuel tank

Before returning the car, fill the fuel tank at least half full. You use the supplied fuel card for this.

You return the car

You do this at the same location at the agreed time.

You pay once a month

You will receive an invoice once a month with an overview of reserved rides via Solidair Mobiel.