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Converted maternity leave

In the event of hospitalization or death of the mother, the father or co-parent can take converted maternity leave under certain conditions.

We wouldn't wish it on anyone, but it still happens. The birth is over, but the mother is hospitalized or has died. In that case, converted maternity leave can be taken.

Hospitalization mother
The converted maternity leave can start from the eighth day after the birth, provided that the baby is no longer in the hospital. The duration of the rest is equal to the number of days of maternity rest that have not yet been taken. If the mother is discharged from the hospital before this period expires, the converted maternity leave will stop immediately.

Death of mother
The converted maternity leave can start from the day after death. The duration of the rest is equal to the number of days of maternity rest that the mother could still take.

What should you do?

    At the start of the converted maternity leave

    • Delivery CM:
      • a written request;
      • a statement from the hospital that the baby has left the hospital;
      • in case of hospitalization of the mother: certificate from the hospital regarding the period of admission;
      • in case of death of the mother: death certificate.
    • You will receive an information sheet and proof of return to work from CM.
    • Complete the information sheet as quickly as possible and return it to CM. We request your salary details directly from your employer and - if applicable - provide the data directly to the unemployment service.
    • CM will always let you know from which employer and/or unemployment service it has requested the data. This way you can check whether they are correct.

    After the birth

    Provide CM with an extract of the birth certificate or a medical certificate confirming the birth.

    After the converted maternity leave ends

    Send the completed proof of return to work to CM no later than eight days after the end of the converted maternity leave.

    There are no specific forms to apply for converted maternity leave.

    Provide CM with an application accompanied by a death certificate of the mother and proof that the child is part of your family.

    What are the conditions?

    There are only conditions if you are self-employed. In addition, you must:

    • meet all conditions for entitlement to benefits;
    • can prove that you are responsible for the care of the child. The registration in the population register of the child at your address serves as proof.

    You may not engage in any activities during the period for which you take over maternity leave

    How much is the benefit?

      In case of hospitalization of the mother

      The benefit amounts to 60 percent of the gross salary or unemployment compensation.

      In the event of the death of the mother (employees)

      • The first 30 days: 82 percent of the gross salary (no maximum amount applies).
      • From the 31st day: 75 percent of the capped gross salary.

      In the event of the death of the mother (unemployed)

      • First 30 days: 60 percent of the gross wage on which the unemployment benefit is calculated (reference wage), but limited to the amount of the unemployment benefit + supplement of 19.50 percent of the reference wage.
      • From the 31st day: 60 percent of the reference wage, but limited to the amount of unemployment benefit + supplement of 15 percent of the reference wage.

      The benefit is transferred twice a month .

      The benefit amounts to 872.87 euro per week for the first four weeks. From the fifth week onwards, the benefit amounts to 798.37 euro per week. 

      For the week in which the mother dies, the heirs will be paid the full weekly amount. From the following week, this will go to the self-employed person who takes care of the child.