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If one cannot get passed feelings of severe sadness after a longer period of time, this is called depression. One in five, both young and old, is confronted with this disease.

CM - jouw gezondheidsfonds

What is the cause?

Depression is usually caused by a combination of different factors:

  • biological causes such as diseases (e.g. thyroid disorders), certain medicines, alcohol, drugs ... They disrupt the balance between the substances responsible for brain activity .
  • psychological causes such as your character, the ability to solve problems, the support of your environment ...
  • social causes such as negative events (dismissal, illness, death of a loved one) or major changes (e.g. the birth of a child)

What can you do yourself?

    • Try to accept that you are depressed. Be patient and take your time.
    • Take the time to process major events. Sadness and anger are normal feelings that should not be suppressed at all costs.
    • Don't set too high standards for yourself.
    • Postpone decisions that have far-reaching consequences, e.g. moving, ending a relationship.
    • Never go on holiday if you can't enjoy it.
    • For an anonymous conversation you can contact Tele-Onthaal on 106 or the Suicide Line on 1813 day and night.
    • Talk about it with others. Explain how you feel. Most people understand this. Sharing feelings helps those around you to understand and help you better.
    • Visit friends , even if you dread it. Don't just sit at home and fill in the inactivity by drawing up a fixed daily schedule.
    • If necessary, participate in a support group . People who are going through the same thing recognize your problem. It's a relief for both parties to talk about it.
    • Provide distraction and relaxation by doing things you enjoy.
    • Ensure sufficient exercise , for example by walking, cycling, swimming or gardening for at least half an hour every day.
    • Continue to eat and drink healthily . Don't seek solace in alcohol or drugs. Coffee makes you nervous and tense.
    • Try to maintain the old lifestyle and keep regularity in your life. Go to sleep at normal times, get up on time and eat three times a day at fixed times.

    When should you go to the doctor?

    If your complaints last longer than two weeks , contact your doctor.

    It is important to diagnose depression at the earliest possible stage and to consult a doctor as soon as possible . The family plays a crucial role, both in recognizing the disease and deciding to consult a doctor, and in supporting and guiding the sick person.

    With severe depression, life can seem so unbearable that you even long for death. Call your doctor immediately if you repeatedly think about suicide or make plans to do so.

    The treatment depends on the degree of depression. In a mild form, the doctor will adopt a wait-and-see attitude. In many cases, simple, supportive conversations can have a beneficial effect, helping the patient get out of the slump.
    For severe forms of depression, the doctor can prescribe medicines and/or psychotherapy.

    Depression usually goes away on its own , although it may take three to six months.

    Elise Rummens

    Elise is onze huisdokter. Haar stokpaardje op het vlak van gezondheid is beweging. Daarom zie je haar op dinsdagavond springen, vliegen, duiken, vallen en weer opstaan. Dan heeft ze haar wekelijkse parkourtraining.

    Preventie-arts CM


    'Shall I call the doctor? Medical ABC for the whole family' - doctor Michiel Callens - publisher Lannoo, 2009, 319 pages