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What does the Social Work department do for you?

CM's Social Work department will work with you to find appropriate solutions to problems related to illness, disability or old age. Social Work guarantees a thorough initial response to your request for assistance. In the search for solutions, the social worker takes into account your capacity and the choices you or those around you make.

This is done by the Social Work department

  • Inform you about the social regulations, social benefits and facilities that apply to you.
  • Organizing home care (sounding board, action plan, coordination, adjusting pain points).
  • Providing guidance in long-term care situations , with an eye for a balance between capacity and burden.
  • Relieving the burden on the informal caregiver by calling in a babysitter , personal alarm or short stay, among other things.
  • Advising on home modifications and (care) technology .
  • Providing advice and guidance in the use of aids , provide practical tips for carrying out your daily activities .

Do you think you are eligible for a healthcare budget for people in serious need of care? If you cannot provide a certificate, you can contact the Social Work Department to determine your level of care need.

  • Apply for allowances from the Federal Public Service of Social Affairs .
  • Registrations and applications with the Flemish Agency for Persons with Disabilities (VAPH) .
  • Apply for a personal assistance budget for minors or a personal assistance budget for adults.
  • Follow-up of care questions .
  • Pathway guidance , in which an independent life in various domains is central.

  • Guidance aimed at supporting and gradually dealing with a loss or grieving process.
  • Referral to therapist if further diagnosis or treatment appears necessary.

How do you reach the Social Work department?

For questions, information or an appointment with a social worker, contact the Zorglijn .