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From midwife to team leader

What is it like to start working as a new manager within a close-knit team? Elke D'Hulst from Roeselare looks back on her first year as team leader of the Health & Participation (G&P) department at CM.

'That's me!', I thought when I read the CM vacancy for team leader', Elke begins. 'But I admit that I first applied for another service within the organization. CM saw an even better match as team leader at the Health & Participation service. There I could focus even more on the social and human aspect, I could mean something to others. Really something for me.'

'This proves that CM thinks along about a good match for everyone. And I'm happy about that. The enthusiasm is still enormous after a year.'

Own strengths

After a few years of development aid in Madagascar, Elke's life took an unexpected turn. 'I coached local midwives to provide quality care. Together we looked for the resources they needed for this. But in the middle of the corona period, we were stuck in Belgium during our visit. We decided to stay and I started working as an independent midwife. After a lot of self-reflection, I came to the conclusion that I missed coaching a team. That is what I really like to do and what gives me energy. That is why I started looking for such a job in the healthcare sector. I soon ended up at CM.'

'What does my job entail? I make sure that everyone is on the same page and coach my team to achieve certain goals. My most important task is to strengthen the team spirit. Exactly what I was looking for in a new job', she winks. 'Due to the different profiles, tasks and islands in my large team, that is sometimes a challenge for me.' Elke's team works across the province of West Flanders. 'Together we want to have an impact on the thinking and actions of citizens, to realize a healthier society with a better quality of life for everyone. We actively involve our members in identifying problems and solutions.'

The necessary time

Still, the start was extra tough for Elke. After the death of the previous team leader, she ended up in a team in mourning. 'I was happy to have the job, but it felt very mixed. I took someone's place. I mainly listened to my team and wanted to be there for them. Together we are now looking for a good balance and that takes time', she realizes.

'I needed the past year to gain insight into the job, to know what is still missing in my team. I want to work on that now. I want to be even closer to my team, I want to see what they are working on. In the coming year I look forward to fully taking up my position as team leader because I feel that I am even stronger in my shoes.'