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Taking the step towards psychological support is sometimes a big step.

BloomUp lowers that threshold and connects people quickly and easily with a recognized online psychologist or psychotherapist.

It is an online platform that enables a conversation with a psychologist or psychotherapist in just a few clicks. Anyone can have a video call with experts in more than 35 problems: low self-esteem, stress, performance pressure, fear of failure, relationships, meaning, fears, depression and burnout.

Based on your preferences, BloomUp matches you with a suitable psychologist or psychotherapist with whom you have an initial free introductory meeting . The video calls on the platform are fully secured.

CM entered into a partnership with BloomUp. The reimbursement of the CM benefit for psychological care is automatic. The CM member fills in his details, after which CM checks whether the refund is possible. It is then no longer necessary to complete the psychological care application form.