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Psychological care

Patients who are CM members and are in compliance with their CM contribution receive reimbursement for primary psychological care.

The psychological care benefit is included as standard in CM membership for everyone, without a waiting period .

CM benefit psychological care

CM members receive up to 24 reimbursements per lifetime for psychological treatment with a clinical psychologist, a clinical educational psychologist or a psychotherapist. The benefit has been extended since January 1, 2023. The reimbursement now also applies to clinical sexologists, clinical psychologists with a European certificate, and psychotherapists with a European certificate.

For children and young people

  • the refund is 50 percent of the fee paid, with a maximum of 30 euros.
  • the reimbursement is 75 percent of the fee paid, with a maximum of 45 euros, if they are entitled to the increased compensation .

For adults

  • Treatments until December 31, 2022
    • the refund is 50 percent of the fee paid, with a maximum of 10 euros.
    • the reimbursement is 75 percent of the fee paid, with a maximum of 15 euros, if they are entitled to the increased compensation .
  • Treatments from January 1, 2023
    • the reimbursement is 10 euros per session.
    • the reimbursement is 15 euros per session, if they are entitled to the increased compensation . This refund is limited to the actual fee paid (including VAT).

Completely digital courses are also eligible for reimbursement. These must take place via a secure online communication channel that guarantees the minimum conditions and usage rules for secure communication, as stated on the eHealth platform .

What are the conditions?

What should you do?

We pay the CM refund to our members based on:

  • The psychological care application form (2023) .
    A fillable PDF version (2023) is also available.
  • Your own certificate , provided that it states the following:
    • visa number or recognition number;
    • member details;
    • healthcare provider details;
    • session details: date, online or physical, paid personal share and fee.
  • Sessions on the online platform BloomUp .
    CM entered into a partnership with BloomUp, which allows sessions to be automatically refunded.

More information

CM benefits

More info? View the frequently asked questions. Answer not found? Email [email protected].

Health insurance reimbursement for psychological sessions

You have the option of joining the psychological care model as a clinical psychologist or clinical educational psychologist. In this case, no accumulation is possible between the CM reimbursement and the reimbursements from the compulsory health insurance. After all, only one fee can be refunded per session.

Read more about health insurance reimbursement for psychological sessions .