Documentary evidence for patients
Since 2015, you must provide a certificate to your patients, regardless of whether you have a convention or not. This supporting document is an additional document.
Newsletter for nurses
CM sends a newsletter to nurses.
Nurses: general
This section contains important information for (starting) nurses. Regular updates can be found here.
Nurses: rates 2024
The overviews show the fees and reimbursement rates for common services performed by nurses.
Refac is the CM system to handle the billing of nurses in the third-party payer scheme.
Starting nurses
Here you will find the basic information to get started as a new home nurse.
Suprapubic tube (residential tube)
An indwelling tube is a flexible, thin tube that is placed through the lower abdomen into the bladder (suprapubic tube).
Third party payment scheme
On October 1, 2015, the Royal Decree of September 18, 2015 came into effect with the new provisions on the application of the third-party payment scheme.