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What to do after a hospital admission?

What about hospital bills and reimbursements? And how do you apply for sickness benefits?

CM Hospital Plan

Are you affiliated with CM-Hospitaalplan? Report your hospitalization as soon as you receive the hospital bill (approximately two to three months after your discharge from the hospital). This can be done online or on paper.

Declaration or extension of disability

Are you incapacitated for work as a result of your admission and do you want to apply for or extend sickness benefits? Then provide the certificate of incapacity for work to the advising doctor. This can be done digitally or on paper via bpost. Do this on time and correctly, otherwise you will lose part of your sickness benefit.

CM benefit Hospital admission

Do you not have hospitalization insurance? Or does your insurance not reimburse your costs? Members who are entitled to supplemented refunds can receive part of the hospital bill reimbursed through the CM benefit Hospital Admission.