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Do you end up in the hospital? You will then be reimbursed for some hospital costs under certain conditions.

Are you not receiving reimbursement from hospitalization insurance and are you entitled to supplemented refunds?

In the event of a hospital admission, CM will reimburse 75 percent for the following hospitalization costs:

  • the legal personal share for the stay in the room;
  • the statutory personal share for medical and paramedical fees;
  • the imposition costs for the reimbursable medicines.

Submit your request to CM

Digital :

On paper :

You will receive your refund

CM transfers the reimbursement to the account number known to us for healthcare reimbursements.

There is no refund for:

  • room supplements;
  • non-reimbursable medicines;
  • fee supplements;
  • the 'miscellaneous costs' stated on the hospital invoice;
  • admissions outside a general hospital or rehabilitation hospital (e.g. psychiatric hospital, residential care center, sheltered housing);
  • additional costs for nursing abroad;
  • imposition costs reimbursed by the industrial accident insurance;
  • lay-up costs reimbursed by the insurance pursuant to common law accident (with responsible third party).