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Volunteers at CM: Teleblok

Teleblok is an anonymous, free chat line for students during the exams.

  • Are you 25 years or older?
  • Do you like to make time to listen to others?
  • Can you empathize with the student's world?

Then becoming a volunteer at Teleblok might be something for you! You are ready for an anonymous conversation via the chat.


As a Teleblok volunteer…

  • You will receive basic training for five Saturdays
  • You can chat from home
  • You are a chat volunteer twice a year during the exam periods in January and June
  • Do you man the chat box from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. or from 8:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. for six to eight evenings?
  • You feel a lot of appreciation from our callers


More information?

Contact us via [email protected]