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Work removal

Does your work situation pose health risks for mother and child? The occupational physician may then decide that you are no longer allowed to work in that situation.

Before removing work, your employer must consider whether other work without health risks is possible. Isn't that possible? Then you must temporarily stop working completely or partially. Work deletion can be done in two ways:

  • during your pregnancy;
  • after birth, up to a maximum of five months after delivery.

The occupational physician determines the duration.

Provide CM with these documents

  • a certificate completed by the employe , together with the certificate regarding the decision on compulsory removal from work by the occupational physician (both in the case of removal from work during pregnancy and after birth);
  • a medical certificate from your doctor stating the expected date of delivery. Are you having multiple births and is it a matter of being away from work during your pregnancy? Then this must also be stated on the medical certificate.

Provide CM with information sheet

You will receive an information sheet from CM and proof of resumption of work. You must complete this information sheet and return it to CM as quickly as possible. Your employer will receive a request for salary data directly from CM.

Provide CM with proof of return

No later than eight days after the end of the work removal, you must return the completed proof of return to work to CM.


Work removal before childbirth

During the mandatory time away from work for childbirth, private sector employees, public sector contractual employees and childminders receive a benefit from CM twice a month.

In the event of complete removal from work, the benefit amounts to 78.237 percent of the capped gross salary.

In the case of partial work removal , the salary you earn for the work you still perform is taken into account. In the case of a partial removal from work, the procedure and benefit are different from those for a complete removal from work:

  • You work for 1 employer

    You will be given alternative work or you may only continue part of your regular work, which will result in a loss of wages. Your benefit is 60% of the difference between the average gross daily wage that you earned before the work removal and the gross daily wage from the alternative work.

    Is that difference higher than the legally determined maximum amount? Then you will receive 60% of this maximum amount. An income statement from your employer is required every month.

  • You work for 2 employers

    One requires you to stop work because of the risks to you and your child; with the other you can continue working because there are no health risks.

    The benefit amounts to 60% of the salary from the activity(ies) that you stopped. Is your salary from the discontinued activity(s) higher than the legally determined maximum amount? Then you will receive 60% of that maximum amount.

  • As an employee you also have an independent activity

    As an employee you have to stop because the work entails risks for you and your child. Do you want to continue your independent activity? Then you need permission from the advising doctor. Please complete this application form .

    Your benefit will be calculated as above and reduced by 10%.

Work removal after childbirth

  • For employees who are not allowed to resume work after giving birth by the occupational physician because they are breastfeeding, the benefit is 60% of the capped gross salary.
  • In the case of partial work removal, the wage you earn through the resumed activity is taken into account, in the same way as stated under 'work removal before childbirth'.
  • Do you want to carry out an independent activity during this period? Then you need permission from CM's consulting physician. Your benefit will be reduced by 10%.