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Type 2 diabetes care pathway

People with type 2 diabetes can enter into a care program. A care pathway is an agreement between the patient, his GP and the medical specialist involved in the treatment. The doctors have regular consultations about the patient's treatment. This results in optimal coordination and follow-up of care.

Draw up your care contract

You draw up a care pathway contract together with your GP and the treating medical specialist. You decide whether and when you conclude a contract. The contract is valid indefinitely.

The GP issues the CM contract

The GP provides CM with a copy of the signed contract.

CM's consultant doctor informs

CM's advising doctor will let you know when the care process starts. The care process starts on the day the health insurance fund receives the copy. Provided that the contract has been drawn up fully in accordance with the regulations.


  • Full reimbursement of consultations with the general practitioner and the treating medical specialist during the care process. Only the official rate and the co-payment will be refunded. If your doctor charges more, you will pay any additional costs yourself.
  • Depending on the condition, you will receive specific material. Or you will receive free self-care material if you are following treatment with insulin or injectable incretin mimetics.
  • Reimbursement of two sessions per year with a dietician and two treatments per year with a podiatrist.
  • Full reimbursement of fees for diabetes education by nurses, podiatrists, dieticians or physiotherapists who are recognized for this. More information can be found here.
  • Are you a diabetic in a care trajectory? Then you do not have to pay a co-payment (own share) for the annual oral examination and you don't need a prescription for this either.