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A successful consultation in 10 steps

Do you go to your GP or another healthcare provider (e.g. specialist, dentist, physiotherapist)?

These ten steps will help you on your way to a successful consultation.

Prepare yourself

Do you not want to be faced with any surprises about the rate? Then check in advance whether your care provider is conventional. A conventional care provider respects the established rates .

Prepare your consultation well: write down what you want to discuss, what symptoms you have and since when, what medication you take, etc. List your questions, together with the information you have already found yourself.

Bring a confidant with you

For many patients, a confidential counselor is a great support , especially if you hear a bad diagnosis during the consultation. It is often also an added value for your care provider if someone is present during the conversation who can take some more emotional distance.


Go on time if you have an appointment. Always take your identity card with you. Try to relax in the waiting room with a magazine, a brochure or listen to music. Have confidence in your healthcare provider, who has your best interests at heart.

Tell and listen

Tell your healthcare provider why you came. Tell us what your symptoms are and what questions you have. Also listen carefully to what your healthcare provider says. Feel free to take notes if you find this helpful.

Ask for an explanation

Ask for additional explanation about what is still unclear to you. For example, dare to ask what your health problem entails, what the pros and cons are of possible treatments, what you should pay attention to (e.g. lifestyle or medication) and whether other treatments are possible.

Also feel free to ask why additional tests are needed and what is the cause of your health problem.


Did you understand the information correctly ? Repeat what your healthcare provider said in your own words and ask if this is correct. Ask to repeat the explanation you did not understand.

You can always ask your healthcare provider to put the information you received verbally, for example about the diagnosis or treatment, on paper .

Discuss the price tag

Do you have questions about the cost of your treatment? Please feel free to discuss this with your healthcare provider. Also inquire about treatment alternatives and their cost. When referred, you can ask for a conventional care provider.

Ask the final questions

Ask your healthcare provider for reliable sources of information (e.g. websites) if you want to look up additional information at home. Ask your care provider how you can best reach him if you have any questions when you return home.

Receive proof of payment

Receive a receipt from your healthcare provider showing the amount you paid in cash or with your bank card . If you pay afterwards by bank transfer, your healthcare provider does not have to provide a receipt.

You have the right at any time to request further explanation from your healthcare provider about the cost of the treatment, examination or consultation. He can tell you what you pay for and what amount you get back from CM.

Follow the advice

Follow your healthcare provider's recommendations .