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Rates and Refunds

Arch supports

Only custom-made arch supports are eligible for a refund from CM. The plaster material for the impression will also be reimbursed.


The chiropractor mainly treats complaints about the skeleton, muscular system and nervous system. According to chiropractors, blocked joints in the spine can cause pain in the neck, arms, shoulders, back and legs. A chiropractor is sometimes also called a squatter.

Dental prostheses

Do you need a new tooth or prosthesis? Then the costs can increase. Fortunately, there are refunds.

Foot care

CM provides reimbursement for foot care to diabetes patients, performed by a pedicure or podiatrist.

Occupational therapists

An occupational therapist treats, guides and advises people who are limited by physical injury or illness, psychosocial problems, cognitive problems, developmental or learning disabilities or aging processes. But how much do you pay for an occupational therapist who recognizes the rate agreement?


Does your child need braces (orthodontic treatment)? Then the costs can increase.


According to osteopathy, many disorders are caused by impaired mobility of the joints, intestines and tissues. The body is seen as one whole, in which physical and mental factors are interwoven.

Ostomy equipment

Are you a stoma patient and do you use ostomy equipment? Thanks to the virtual wallet, you no longer have to pay for the ostomy equipment that you order within your budget.

Oxygen therapy

With the approval of the consulting physician, oxygen therapy and equipment are usually fully reimbursed. In some exceptional situations, supplements are charged that are borne by the patient. On the Riziv website you will find extensive information about short-term and long-term oxygen therapy.

Podiatrist rates

Do you have type 2 diabetes? Then it is important to take good care of your feet.

Sensors for diabetics

With a scanner that you hold close to the sensor, you can see how your sugar level has evolved over the past eight hours. It is then no longer necessary to prick several times a day.