Beware of phishing. CM never sends you e-mails with requests to alter your personal details. How can you spot a fake e-mail?

Premarital savings

Since 2011, it is no longer possible to register for pre-marital savings. Anyone who has already saved before can continue to do so. Anyone who took pre-marital savings with another health insurance fund and switches to CM can also continue to save. The return depends on the amount saved and the number of years you saved.

What do you have to do to receive your savings?

Provide CM with an extract from the population register. Or wait until CM contacts you in response to a signal from the crossroads bank about your marriage or legal cohabitation.

As a cohabitant, you can withdraw your savings without legally living together. In that case, you must contact CM yourself and the same interest rates apply as for marriage or legal cohabitation.

You do not have to do anything. CM will contact you for further arrangements regarding the payment.