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Oxygen therapy

With the approval of the consulting physician, oxygen therapy and equipment are usually fully reimbursed. In some exceptional situations, supplements are charged that are borne by the patient. On the Riziv website you will find extensive information about short-term and long-term oxygen therapy.

  • Your treating physician makes a prescription for one month and asks CM's advising physician for permission to reimburse that prescription.
  • You take the prescription and approval to your pharmacist . This will take care of the supply of your oxygen and materials, or will make arrangements for this with a specialized company.
  • Your treating doctor can extend the prescription twice, each time for one month. Oxygen therapy can then only be reimbursed again after an interval of two years (from the start date of the first approval). This for a maximum of three months. It is also possible that the arrangement for long-term use starts at that time.

  • Your specialist prescribes long-term treatment.
  • The supervision of the treatment and the delivery of oxygen and materials are only done through the hospital pharmacy .

  • Do you have cluster headaches and was this diagnosed by a neurologist, neurosurgeon or neuropsychiatrist? Then the reimbursement for gaseous oxygen therapy is unlimited in time. Here too, you must obtain approval from CM's consulting physician.
  • Has a palliative lump sum been requested? Even then, the reimbursement for oxygen administration is unlimited in time. No approval from the consulting physician is required. The prescribing doctor must only state 'third party payment scheme applicable' on the medicine prescription.