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Ostomy equipment

Are you a stoma patient and do you use ostomy equipment? Thanks to the virtual wallet, you no longer have to pay for the ostomy equipment that you order within your budget.

Health insurance reimbursement

As a stoma patient you receive a virtual wallet. That is the budget with which you can obtain ostomy equipment. Your doctor determines your budget profile based on your situation and needs. The budget can therefore differ from patient to patient. With your budget you can order the stoma material that suits you best.

Your bandagist will give you a stoma cover. This is a means of communication between your healthcare providers. It contains your prescriptions, delivery certificates and notes of the contact moments.

You do not have to pay for the material that you order with your budget. Payment is made directly between the bandagist and CM.

You can also contact Goed's 'stomahuis' for professional advice, support and home visits. A team of bandagists and nurses with expertise in stoma and incontinence care is ready to assist you.

Ask your doctor for a prescription

Ask your doctor (specialist) to fill in the specific medical prescription for ostomy equipment.

Order from a recognized bandagist

Order the material from a certified bandagist, who can also provide you with all information about ostomy material and your budget.

The bandagist delivers

The bandagist delivers the material to you and draws up a delivery certificate.

You will receive material for a maximum of three months. But you don't need a prescription every three months.

Bandagist provides CM with all info

The bandagist sends all necessary documents to CM, which settles the payment directly with the bandagist.