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Medical apps

Medical apps can provide support and be a good addition to a doctor's visit. This way you take some of your health into your own hands. CM provides a reimbursement of a maximum of 20 euros per calendar year on the service, purchase and subscription costs of medical apps.

Provide CM with proof of payment

Provide proof of payment for the service, purchase and/or subscription costs of the app via the CM mailbox or My CM app. This proof includes:

  • user name
  • app name
  • payment date
  • paid amount

You will receive your refund

The refund will be transferred to your account.


You can request a CM refund for the following apps. This list is a selection from mHealthBelgium 's offering.

  • FibriCheck measures your heart rhythm and any abnormal results. With the app you can easily forward this to your doctor.
    Promotion: as a member of CM you pay 20 euro for a year FibriCheck Essential in stead of 49,99 euro. You haven't used the CM benefit medical apps for another app yet? Then CM reimburses the full prize. More about this promotion
  • Do you have diabetes? With the mySugr app you can easily register your blood sugar levels to monitor your health situation.
  • The SkinVision app provides insight and advice about a skin spot. Here's how to spot signs of the most common types of skin cancer. If the app detects a sign of skin cancer, you make an appointment with a doctor to make a diagnosis.
  • The Sunrise app is a test that analyzes your sleep. The app includes a sensor that registers your jaw movements. After the test you can make an appointment with your doctor.


Medical apps never replace regular care. Do you have questions about your health? Then consult a doctor.