Home care
Non-urgent patient transport
Affordable, non-urgent transport to/from the hospital, for oncological treatment or kidney dialysis.
Solidair Mobiel
Do you occasionally need a wheelchair-friendly car, but you don't have one? Then the car-sharing principle Solidair Mobiel might offer a solution. For the time being, the Solidair Mobiel service is only offered in the Ostend and Roeselare-Tielt regions. There is one car available in each region.
Babysitter for chronically ill children
Does your child have a disability or chronic condition? Do you want to catch your breath or go somewhere? Then expert volunteers are available day and night to provide home care.
Borrowing or purchasing home care aids
You can easily borrow aids from home care stores or Goed's website. The offer consists of the themes 'Living and sleeping', 'Mobility', 'Pregnancy and children', 'Sports and rehabilitation' and 'Allergy and respiratory tract'.
Care budget for elderly people with care needs
Are you 65 years or older, in need of assistance and do you have a limited income?
Care provision for persons with disabilities
Persons with disabilities may need guidance at home or in a facility. The Integrated Youth Care (IJH) and the Flemish Agency for Persons with Disabilities (VAPH) help them find it.
CM home sitter service for home care patients
As an informal caregiver, you also want to visit friends or just get away from it all. That is why CM offers home sitting for the chronically ill, the elderly or people with disabilities. The home sitter can be available during the day, in the evening and at night.
CM-Spaak offers you administrative support and sends a volunteer to your home.
Day care center
Anyone who requires care and is cared for at home can go to a day care center during the day.
Fixed allowance for Incontinence
Chronically ill people have high expenses. That is why they can combine different flat-rate reimbursements, including for incontinence materials.
Fixed allowance for PVS
Because chronically ill people have high expenses, there are various fixed reimbursements that they can accumulate, including for patients in a comatose state (PVS). The PVS fixed allowance helps to cover the costs for PVS patients cared for at home.
Fixed allowance palliative care
Because chronically ill people have high expenses, there are various fixed allowances that they can accumulate, including for palliative care.
Healthcare budget for those in serious need of care
This care budget is for people who need a lot of care at home. You are also entitled to this if you stay in a retirement home or psychiatric care home.
Healthcare fixed allowance
Because chronically ill people have high expenses, there are various fixed reimbursements that they can combine, including for care. The healthcare fixed allowance is an annual reimbursement for chronically ill people who are highly dependent on others.
Home care for sick children
Is your child suddenly ill and do you have to go to work? No worries, CM, together with Ferm, will provide a solution and organize childcare for sick children up to and including 12 years old at your home. This is up to 21 years old for children with a disability or long-term illness.
Home nursing
If you need nursing care, you can call on a home nursing service or an independent home nurse.
Material for incontinence and bedwetting
Are you being cared for at home and do you need incontinence material? As a CM member you get a discount.
Night care
Are you an informal caregiver? Then your own night's sleep is sometimes not self-evident. Fortunately, there is such a thing as a night sitter. A sitter will come to your home to put you to sleep or you will stay in a residence for the night. CM reimburses part of the expenses.
Nurses: rates 2024
The overviews show the fees and reimbursement rates for common services performed by nurses.
Occupational guidance and housing advice
Do you want to live at home for a long time, but sometimes have difficulty getting out of bed or have difficulty with the stairs? You can solve many problems with CM's occupational guidance and housing advice. The service is free and without obligation. These services are part of Social Work.
Organizer of urgent home care
Have you been unexpectedly discharged from the hospital, is your caregiver suddenly absent, or do you suddenly find yourself in a crisis situation? Do you urgently need home care and are you unable to get it yourself?
Personal alarm
Want to live independently at home for as long as possible? With the personal alarm, help is always within reach. Pressing the button on the personal alarm puts you in touch with the Gerust care center.
Short stay
Thanks to short stays, care-dependent people receive the necessary care during an adapted stay in an institution or home. This allows the caregiver to catch their breath. Short stays are also possible in the CM care homes Ter Duinen in Nieuwpoort and Hooidonk in Zandhoven.
What does the Social Work department do for you?
CM's Social Work department will work with you to find appropriate solutions to problems related to illness, disability or old age. Social Work guarantees a thorough initial response to your request for assistance. In the search for solutions, the social worker takes into account your capacity and the choices you or those around you make.
When do you call the Zorglijn?
Zorglijn is your first point of contact for all questions about healthcare. She is part of the Social Work department. Everyone can contact Zorglijn: patients, informal caregivers and professionals in the healthcare sector.
Wound care
Are you being cared for at home and do you need active dressings? From 2025, you will receive a 30 percent discount on the public price when purchasing active dressings*.