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Urban Walk

CM regularly organizes an Urban Walk. Find out where and when you can participate.

CM Urban Walks 2024

The CM Urban Walk Series leads you through the streets of 5 Belgian cities. On a trail of approximately 10 kilometers you walk past and through special buildings. On your journey you will discover hidden places and get to know the city in a unique way.

April 28 - Oostende - more information and registration

June 2 - Beringen - more information and registration

Other dates and locations: TBA

Would you like to participate as a volunteer at festivals or events?

CM is looking for driven and dynamic festival and event volunteers. Are you eagerly looking forward to the new festival summer? Would you like to attend a local event? Are you a social animal? Then we have the ideal offer for you.

Antwerp | Limburg | East Flanders |

Flemish Brabant and Brussels | West Flanders