Breastfeeding break
Employees are entitled to breastfeeding breaks to breastfeed their child or express milk.

You can take breastfeeding breaks for up to nine months after birth.
- Anyone who works four hours a day is allowed a half-hour break.
- Anyone who works at least seven and a half hours a day may take an hour break (or two half-hour breaks).
Notify your employer
Indicate 2 months before your return to work that you will take breastfeeding breaks.
Provide employer with a certificate
You do this for every month that you breastfeed. This can be a certificate from an infant health clinic or a medical certificate.
Provide CM with application form
Submit this completed application form to CM for each month in which you take a few hours of breastfeeding break. The form must be completed by
- you
- your employer
Your employer can also pass on the data electronically. In that case, you only need to complete your part on the form.
You will receive a payment from CM for the interruptions. It amounts to 82 percent of the gross salary (no maximum amount applies).
The benefit is paid out on fixed dates; you can find this in the payment calendar for employees .