Arch supports
Only custom-made arch supports are eligible for a refund from CM. The plaster material for the impression will also be reimbursed.
CM will reimburse you 29,74 euros per sole. You will receive a refund of 0.57 euros per foot for the plaster material used for the impression.
If you purchase the arch supports from a non-conventional bandagist or orthopedist, the reimbursement is lower. What does conventionalized or non-conventional mean?
Deliver prescription to the bandagist
Hand over the prescription from the medical specialist to the bandagist or orthopedist.
Deliver to CM
Send these documents together to CM:
- the delivery certificate signed for receipt;
- the prescription of the medical specialist.
What are the conditions?
The arch supports must:
- meet a number of quality criteria and are made from material prescribed by the Riziv;
- be delivered by a bandagist or orthopedist. (A podiatrist may also supply arch supports, but then there is no reimbursement.)
Arch supports are renewable after one full year if you are under 18 years old and after two full years if you are over 18 years old.