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Break taboos about (positive) health

What about your knowledge about your own positive health? Collect all your pie slices by answering questions, completing assignments or sharing your opinion in different categories. Play the CM version of Trivial Pursuit!

For who is it?

This activity is suitable for students in the 2nd and 3rd grade of secondary education .

What is it?

  • Objective : to start a conversation with young people about health in the broad sense of the word. Challenge them in the various hands-on assignments. Give them the floor and let them form a critical opinion. Have a conversation about that. Sharpen their knowledge about various health topics and get them thinking.
  • Game : From 6 players, individually or in team. Make sure you are the first player or the first team to collect all the different pie slices by answering questions, carrying out assignments or sharing your opinion in the different categories.
  • Our categories? These are body, mental well-being, meaning, quality of life, social relationships and daily life. These categories are based on the 6 axes of positive health.

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