Keeping healthcare affordable for everyone. That is the mission of CM-Zorgkas.

To ensure that CM-Zorgkas can keep healthcare affordable for everyone, you pay the healthcare premium every year.
Even if you need care yourself, you can count on your healthcare fund.
What does CM-Zorgkas do?
CM-Zorgkas provides Flemish social protection . That exists of:
- the healthcare budget for those in serious need of care ;
- the healthcare budget for elderly people with a care need ;
- the healthcare budget for people with disabilities ;
- a reimbursement for the rental or purchase of a mobility aid ;
- a reimbursement for care in a residential care center, short-stay center or day care center .
If you are entitled to a healthcare budget , CM-Zorgkas will ensure that you receive it. But that is not everything.
- checks your rights and ensures that you receive them automatically where possible;
- pays out healthcare budgets;
- provides guidance and advice ;
- pays out all healthcare budgets to which you are entitled to the same account number . (You do not have to pay taxes on these healthcare budgets.)
Refunds will be paid according to a third party payment arrangement . Your health insurance fund therefore pays them directly to the provider of the mobility aid or the facility concerned.
Who can or should join?
That depends on your age, place of residence and employment situation.
If you live in Flanders, you are obliged to join a healthcare fund from the year in which you turn 26 .
- As a CM member, it is best to join CM-Zorgkas.
- You do this by paying the health insurance premium.
- Your first and second health insurance premium must be credited to the CM-Zorgkas account before the end of the year in which you turn 27.
Even if you move to Flanders as a person over 25, you must join a healthcare fund.
After joining, you must pay the health insurance premium to your health insurance fund by April 30 each year. CM-Zorgkas will send you a payment invitation in a timely manner.
If you are younger than 26 , you do not have to pay health insurance premiums. If your need for care is recognized, you are eligible for care budgets.
- As a CM member, it is best to join CM-Zorgkas.
- You do this by paying the health insurance premium.
- Your first and second contribution must be in the CM-Zorgkas account before the end of the year in which you turn 27.
Even if you move to Brussels as a person over 25, you can choose to join a healthcare fund.
After joining, you must pay the health insurance premium to your health insurance fund by April 30 each year. CM-Zorgkas will send you a payment invitation in a timely manner.
If you are younger than 26 , you do not have to pay health insurance premiums. You are eligible for healthcare budgets if you become dependent on care.
What if you don't join?
You chose not to join a health fund. But you become in need of care and want to use Flemish social protection? Then you are only entitled to a healthcare budget once you have been affiliated continuously for five years .
You work in another country of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland.
- You are socially insured in the country where you work, not in Belgium .
- If you live in Flanders or Brussels, you can choose whether or not to join a healthcare fund.
- This also applies to your dependents .
You work or have worked in Flanders , but you live in another country of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland.
- You are socially insured in Belgium through your employment.
- You are obliged to join a healthcare fund, according to the same rules as residents of Flanders (see above under 'You live in Flanders').
- This also applies to your dependents over the age of 25.
You work or have worked in Brussels , but you live in another country of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland.
- You are socially insured in Belgium through your employment.
- You can choose to join a healthcare fund, according to the same rules as residents of Brussels .
- This also applies to your dependents over the age of 25.
- You are a staff member or retired staff member of a certain international institution .
- You are affiliated with the institution's social security system through an international treaty or protocol. You are not socially insured in Belgium . If you opt for Belgian social security, you have the choice of whether or not to join a health fund.
- Even if you live in Flanders or Brussels, you cannot join a healthcare fund.
- This also applies to your dependents .
- You are a student or researcher from outside the EU and you have a temporary residence permit.
- Anyone who is not a CM member cannot join CM-Zorgkas.
Would you like to join CM-Zorgkas?
If you want to join CM-Zorgkas, you must be a CM member.
- Are you obliged to join? CM-Zorgkas will send you, as a CM member, a payment invitation .
- Are you not obliged, but would you like to join voluntarily? Contact one of our employees via the contact form .
- By paying the health insurance premium, you are immediately connected .
- From the year after your connection, you can also pay the health insurance premium by direct debit .
Are you affiliated with another healthcare fund and do you want to switch to CM-Zorgkas?
- Complete this change form , sign it and return it to CM before December 2.
- CM ensures that you are affiliated with CM-Zorgkas at no additional costs . You close from January 1 of the following year.
Are you younger than 26 years old? Then you can join CM-Zorgkas earlier if:
- you want to apply for a healthcare budget or mobility aid;
- you are staying in a rehabilitation hospital or rehabilitation facility.
How do you join?
- Complete this connection form , sign it and return it to CM .
- CM-Zorgkas will arrange the connection as quickly as possible
How much is the zorgpremie?
In 2024, the zorgpremie will be 64 euros . For some people there is a reduced zorgpremie of 32 euros.
- Your premium must be credited to your health fund account by April 30 each year.
- CM-Zorgkas will send you a payment invitation with which you can transfer the premium to BE72 7775 9420 6316. But you can also pay the premium via direct debit.
- The zorgpremie applies to everyone over 25 years old. The amount is determined by law, is indexed annually and is the same for all healthcare funds.
- If you receive a monthly healthcare budget, you do not have to pay the premium separately. It will be deducted from your healthcare budget in April.
To qualify for the reduced zorgpremie, you must meet one condition.
- On January 1 of the previous year you were entitled to the increased allowance.
You are required to be affiliated with CM-Zorgkas. If you do not pay your zorgpremie, CM-Zorgkas must report this to the Flemish government. If you do not join, you cannot claim a healthcare budget if you are eligible for it.
If you do not pay the zorgpremie twice - not necessarily consecutively - or in full, CM-Zorgkas will send you a registered letter . This way you still have the opportunity to pay the premiums due.
- If you pay the overdue premiums before October 5, you will not receive a fine from the Flemish Social Protection Agency.
- If you do not do this, the Flemish Social Protection Agency will impose a fine of 250 euros. For those who were entitled to the increased compensation on January 1 of the year before the fine, it is 100 euros. You also still have to pay the premiums owed.
You are voluntarily affiliated with CM-Zorgkas. If you fail to pay your premium twice or incompletely, your membership will be canceled .
If you are in a collective debt settlement or personal bankruptcy, you do not have to pay the annual premium.
Do you think you qualify for this? Please contact CM-Zorgkas to demonstrate this.
If you receive an administrative fine from the Flemish Social Protection Agency, you can file an appeal. More information can be found on the Flemish social protection website .
- Request a direct debit . Are you not yet registered with My CM ? No problem. On the My CM home screen you can register once with your eID or with the itsme app. This gives you access to your personal online file.
- Then click on 'Domiciliëring zorgpremie' in the 'Care' block.
- You will receive confirmation of your direct debit via email.
- Are you requesting direct debit before mid-January of the current year? Then it is already valid for the next payment of the premium.
- Do you register the application after mid-January of the current year? The direct debit will then take effect for the payment of the premium from the following year.
- During the online application you will receive the exact year from which your direct debit will take effect.
- You cannot pay any overdue premiums by direct debit and you must transfer them with the accompanying structured message.
Good to know
- With direct debit, the premium is debited from your account around March 1 .
- This direct debit applies to Flemish social protection. It is not valid for the CM contribution or the premium for CM insurance. You can request a separate direct debit for these payments via the contact form .
- The payment of the premium cannot be spread over several interim payments.
- If you provide an incorrect or invalid account number (e.g. savings account), payment of your premium cannot be made and you will receive a reminder letter.
- The direct debit can be stopped at any time via your personal 'My CM' account .
A question for CM-Zorgkas?
Below you will find the answers to some frequently asked questions. Is the answer you are looking for not listed? Please contact us via:
- the contact form ;
- 02 204 32 34 (Monday and Tuesday from 8.30 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.).
If you paid the healthcare premium with an incorrectly structured message or forgot to mention it, CM-Zorgkas will do what is necessary to allocate this payment correctly. You do not need to contact CM-Zorgkas in this case.
If you receive a healthcare budget, CM-Zorgkas will automatically deduct the premium from your April payment. CM-Zorgkas will inform you about this. In this case you will not receive a payment invitation.
The condition for qualifying for the reduced healthcare premium of 31 euros is that you had the increased allowance on January 1, 2023.