Info sheets

Overview of information sheets in different languages on some core themes

Belgium’s health care is one of the best in Europe. Everyone who lives and/or works in Belgium is obliged to join a health insurance fund. In exchange for paying your social security contributions, you are insured against risks in case of illness, accidents, hospitalisation,….

More information can be found in the information sheets that are available in different languages:

Or download the brochure 'Welcome to CM':

VIDEO: Health insurance fund in a nutshell

Mutas is the travel assistance of the CM. By paying your CM contribution, you are automatically insured during your holiday abroad. Read the info sheets for more detail on which countries and areas are covered. The Mutas emergency call centre helps you day and night by providing you with information, advice and assistance. If necessary, Mutas even organises your repatriation to Belgium.

More information can be found in the information sheets that are available in different languages:


People entitled to enhanced reimbursements pay less for their health care. Outside of their health insurance, they enjoy certain benefits, such as discounts on public transport.

For more information on this topic, information sheets are available in different languages:

What do I do when I need to go to the hospital? CM wants to make sure you are well-informed, and you do not pay too much.

For more information on this topic, information sheets are available in different languages:

You are incapacitated for work if you are temporarily incapable of work due to illness, an accident or pregnancy. In that case, you may receive income replacement benefits from CM. However, you always need to inform CM on time.

For more information on this topic, information sheets are available in different languages:

Being ill costs money. These tips will help you pay less.

For more information on this topic, information sheets are available in different languages:

If you do not pay your CM-contribution on time, you will be suspended from this package. You will no longer be entitled to any CM-services and benefits. Make sure you pay on time to avoid suspension.

For more information on this topic, information sheets are available in different languages:

Keeping care affordable for all. That is the mission of CM-Zorgkas. The Zorgpremie that you pay annually, enables CM-Zorgkas to engage in practical social welfare. And, if, later in life you need care, you can count on Zorgkas.

More information can be found in the information sheets that are available in different languages:

Are you pregnant or have you just given birth? Congratulations! CM wishes you a safe pregnancy and a healthy baby. However, this is a period that also requires a fair amount of administration, and this information sheet will help you to understand all the paperwork.

For more information on this topic, information sheets are available in different languages:

Are you going to study in Belgium? An excellent choice! The standard of education is excellent.

You need to register with CM. There are several options.

For more information on this topic, information sheets are available in different languages:

Coming from Ukraine? З України?

Belgium can provide health coverage for you. Як отримати доступ до медичного обслуговування?

[Further information under construction]

[Welcome to CM - Вітаємо у CM - Meer info voor wie Oekraïense vluchtelingen helpt]