Beware of phishing. CM never sends you e-mails with requests to alter your personal details. How can you spot a fake e-mail?

Luc van Gorp met zijn boek, Mensenmaat

Human size. A plea for imperfection

Human scale, the book

In 'Human Size', CM chairman Luc Van Gorp embraces imperfection. Because solidarity arises from vulnerability.

Human scale, the podcast

In 7 conversations, Luc Van Gorp maps out a future together with his guests from different domains of our society.

In both healthcare and business, we must find a balance between using our time efficiently and meaningfully, between linear and inner time, between action and reflection. But it is precisely that balance that has been thoroughly disrupted today. During the seminar series 'Time for people in healthcare and economy', Sociopolis discussed with six guest speakers, including CM chairman Luc Van Gorp.

You can also view the complete Sociopolis seminar series . The series is a collaboration with Residential and Care Center Annuntiaten Heverlee - Sociopolis , Chair of Economics of Hope , UCSIA , Zorgnet-Icuro , SPES forum , Magazijn and Sylvester .

Human scale in the press

Press release CM, 19-04-2021

We live in a prosperous country, our life expectancy is breaking all records, medical science is reaching unprecedented heights and an endless stream of innovations offers solutions to all conceivable problems. And yet… something is wrong. Because how many people can say that they are genuinely happy?

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Interview in Visie, April 22, 2021

'If we don't do things differently, much bigger disasters await us.'

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Interview in Touché on Radio 1, April 25, 2021

Luc Van Gorp was a guest in Touché on Sunday. He has been leading the CM, the Christian Mutuality, for six years. Even though the CM is the largest health insurance fund in our country, he still does not like the word health insurance fund. He would much rather focus on health. Everyone strives for a quality life.

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Article accompanying the interview in Touché on Radio 1

'The most meaningful conversations are the conversations without words, where you say nothing.'

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Interview in Het Laatste Nieuws, 26-04-2021

CM chairman Luc Van Gorp advocates imperfection and life on a human scale: 'We have become slaves to our systems and look where it has brought us.'

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Interview in Knack, April 28, 2021

'When will we finally realize that life is not an upward trend?'

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Luc Van Gorp behind the wheel at CM-Mobiel

CM chairman Luc Van Gorp spent an afternoon transporting less mobile people and listening to their stories. For Luc, care and well-being start with the relationship between people. "We need to move towards a world on a human scale, where relationships and coexistence are more important than structures and processes," he says.